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As a Fiverr Seller, What makes you more happier ? NEW Buyers or Repeat Buyers?


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Definitely repeat buyers for me - I know their purchasing habits, I’m accustomed with their personalities and individual needs, they provide a smooth experience and I provide a personalized experience, I’ve even become friends with some and talk in a relaxed way, and when I have a period of low sales they keep me floating 🙂

Guest donwritter

As for me its order updates


I do like both because I want my business grows, but if I’d have to choose, I’d pick the repeated buyers because each time they come back I think, I made someone happy with my job, and their want more! That makes me feel valuable.


I like both, but repeat buyers always get me through when there is a downturn in orders, so I am very glad I’ve spent the time to built up lots of good relationships over the years!


Both are great, it’s hard to choose! But I definitely love getting repeat buyers - I already know what they like and it’s really nice to know that they liked my work so much they want to order again 🙂


Both are welcome and equally nice as long as they are pleasant to work with.
Repeat buyers are nice, but ONLY if they are easy to work with…
I’ve had to cut contacts with several repeat buyers since they started stressing me out.
Interesting thing, usually after that happens, a new nice seller shows up and says hi. 😃

Guest donwritter

All are ok but repeated buyers are better to work with since they understand better


I enjoy new buyers as much as repeat buyers. However, one thing I love about new buyers, is that, once they see my work, I usually end up turning many of them into repeat buyers. 😉


Both make me happy. Actually, I’m new so I really appreciate if new buyer hire me, and a repeat buyer will prove my gig quality. I got a repeat buyer who worked with me more than 20 times and he is the only one give me job when nobody care about my gigs.


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