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Message Edit Feature


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I think there should be feature to edit the message or even delete the message
Some times we sent message to buyer by mistake or tell the client something that we don’t want to so we have to make clarifications on that

Guest offlinehelpers

I think there should be feature to edit the message or even delete the message

Some times we sent message to buyer by mistake or tell the client something that we don’t want to so we have to make clarifications on that

we sent message to buyer by mistake

That’s why it’s better if the non-editing feature stays TBH - CS can see communications form buyers and sellers without anything being changed or removed.

It would make their lives an awful lot harder if messages were edited.


Since every message is a potential device notification &/or email sent out — if you edit or delete the message it’s too late. The customer already has the message.

So, think before you send a message, check it before hitting reply. When you send it, it goes out to every device they have in several formats.


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