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Great web application for Fiverr Users


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Hi guys,

I hope everybody is busy and having productive time on Fiverr 🙂

I just came across a great web application that has incredible options to help the Fiverr doers better manage their accounts.

I’ve been working on Fiverr for more than a year, now, and I have never heard of it before.

Using If This Then That (IFTTT)
IFTTT is a free service that lets you automate tasks between Fiverr and many of your other favorite services, such as Facebook and Twitter. Sellers can use this service to help simplify their business and personal life – such as receiving a text message when an order is complete, or automatically tweeting when you receive a thumbs-up on a Gig. All this can be done by creating a recipe.

To create a recipe:
Once logged in, click Create Recipe.
To define the trigger, click the word this.
Select a trigger channel. For example, select Fiverr or enter Fiverr in the search.
From the list, select a trigger. For example, selecting New order received fires every time a buyer orders one of your gigs.
Click Create Trigger.

Note: There may be some additional fields to fill out based on your selection before you create your trigger.

To define the action, click the word that.
Select an action channel. For example, select SMS or enter SMS in the search to receive an SMS whenever someone orders your Gig.
Click Send me an SMS.
In the message box, complete the action. When clicking inside the box, you will have fields (known as ingredients) that automatically exist, such as {{BuyerUserName}}, which will display the buyer’s name in your SMS message. Fields not marked with {{text}}, are texts that you can customize.
Click the ingredients icon to add fields, such as Delivery Time, Gig Title, etc.
Click Create Action.
Verify your details and click Create Recipe.




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