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Fraud Buyer Affecting Much Sometimes!

Guest eh_nayeem

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Guest eh_nayeem

I know this is a common issues and almost every seller has to face this.

Last month, i lost around $450 because of Fraud buyer.

The first one just withdraw the money through Paypal after the order become successfully completed and he was super happy with my work. I even didn’t realize that how smartly he is playing with me.

The second one was even more tricky. I showed him the work (in jpeg format) and he was impressed but wanted to obtain the source files by saying “i want the source file because i want to see are you really done this work or not”!!! How funny!!! How did i prepare the design with his elements without source file? Am i magician!!! Well, i didn’t argue with him and simply sent the source files and then he wanted to cancel the order, WHY? Simple… you have the design and source files now already so why do you need to pay for this? Good business, huh?

Lastly, This one was even more clever. He gave me an example and asked to do the same design and wanted source files and everything was sent to him. After that, his feedback was he didn’t like this design so requested to make another one. Just did it. After that sent all the files with source files and when i showed him the update of work at the middle of the project his feedback was “wow great work, please carry on”. But after sending the files all together. Hummm, i really don’t like the design can you please cancel the job?

You know what, i see you did the job perfectly accordingly to the buyers request but we can not force your buyer to complete the order. – CS

Sometime disappointing right… But it’s okay CS is very helpful and we don’t mind to accept this types of incident sometimes.

How about you gentleman and ladies… i believe you had the similar issues like me here. You can share your story.



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