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Custom Offers Done Right! *A Golden Tip*


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I’m a new seller here on Fiverr and got my first few orders through buyers requests. Buyers Request section allows you to send a proposal to 10 jobs in 24 hours. Here are a few tips for the new sellers on how to send an effective proposal:

  1. Take your time to understand what the buyer is actually looking for. Once understood, write down a few points that you think should be included in your proposal.

  2. Write a very descriptive proposal including all the key points that you wrote in the first step.

  3. While choosing your price and deadline, have a closer look to the budget and the expected deadline from the buyer.

  4. Include a few lines telling your buyer about your approach about how will you solve his problem.

  5. End your message with a follow-up action like ‘If you have any queries, don’t forget to send me a message’.

  6. Always write a customised message instead of sending a pre-written message. Keep your proposal extremely relevant and descriptive!


Hello everyone, Most of my revenue on Fiverr comes from the Custom Offers. Its a great way to engage with the buyer and offer him additional services. I have seen that most sellers immediately send a custom offer as soon as the buyer lands on their inbox and because of that, their acceptance rate becomes very low. Here are a few tips that can really help you in getting your custom offers accepted.

  1. Talk to the buyer. Understand his needs and assess his requirements.

  2. Before sending a custom offer, write down the things that he needs and how you can provide him.

  3. Write down all the key points in the custom offer.

  4. Be open to negotiations after sending the custom offer. Always offer something extra alongside your custom offer like additional revisions.

Wish you best of luck 🙂


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