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Extended Completion Time for Multiple Orders


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Okay, so…I’m sitting here with no orders for a couple of weeks, then WHAM - everybody and their brother is ordering a book trailer. LOL I still have 5 days to complete each of these (which is what I set as the time frame).

It would be great if the completion time for each order could be increased by a day or two as the orders come in, and possibly a little message to the buyer (maybe before they commit to buying) that they have whatever amount of orders ahead of them and to allow extra time for the gig to be finished.

Since I was able to come home from work early today, I shouldn’t have any problems finished a few of my gigs. But for times when I’m working several 8-hour days in a row and have things yet to do at home, a bit of extra time would come in really handy!

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  • 9 months later...
Guest marsch001

I think it’s a problem mainly because if someone orders 8 units (as you are also a level 2) of one gig, that is a lot of extra work (at least for me, as I do 300 words per 1 unit) but the time remains the same. That is quite odd, and is something that Fiverr should look over - especially as it’s not something that we as buyers can turn off. Luckily, most of the time buyers order the extra gigs instead of several units (sometimes both), and that can push the delivery time a bit - but then they are fully aware of it going in.

If you mean that people should know how many orders are “in front of them”, then they should be able to see it on the gig page (the queue), but nothing about how that might mean extra wait. But that could also be because someone who has 10 orders in queue who does something small (or the orders are small) might be able to go through them all in a few hours, but someone who has 5 orders in queue might need two or three days - it would be highly individual and difficult to incorporate, I think.

That said, good for you on your sales!

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  • 1 year later...

The thing is: that price and time delivering is for ONE gig. When buyers add multiples, they are multiplying your work. Since price already multiplies, why can’t deadline multiply too? It would be much more fair for everyone. You see, if I order a 500 words service, for example, and this would be delivered in 1 day, I should know that if I double the work (1000 words) it should double the price AND de deadline.

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