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Why Buyers MUST contact seller before ordering

Guest flomaestro

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I get a lot of: “I need a poster, can you help?” It’s like it physically hurts people to be a tiny bit more specific. What’s even the point, it’s just spam when it’s all the information you’re going to provide.

I get a lot of: “I need a poster, can you help?”

“I need a script.”

“For a video.”

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Oh yes. Mostly when buyer just placing an order without contacting me first it’s always such a pain for me.
Especially because many of them don’t read packages description and even THE GIG TITLE.
I have a gig with vector illustrations for beauty business and some guy ordered a picture of his furry character
Funny and sad at the same time.

  • 1 month later...

The reason buyers don’t like contacting first is because 90% of sellers advertise cheaper and almost ALWAYS ask “Whats your budget” and attempts to milk the buyer for more!

I can’t count the number of times I’ve contacted a seller and asked for exactly what they are advertising, and the price is now 3X higher than they are advertising! This happens almost EVERY TIME I contact a seller…Actually, the “Whats your budget” question is almost one of the very first questions asked! Even before the buyer tells you want they want, the seller is already asking you the BUDGET!!

There is MASSIVE and BLATANT false advertising here… If A seller advertises XYZ services for XX amount, as long as my request is covered in their gig description, I will just order. The seller can either do what he/she advertised or cancel. Plain and Simple…

I don’t want to hear the excuse of being backlogged etc. Just change your delivery time, or pause your offering to catchup.

It seems to me, most sellers want buyers to contact so they can jack the price up and cherry-pick the easy and quick work that pays the highest.

Guest humanissocial

The reason buyers don’t like contacting first is because 90% of sellers advertise cheaper and almost ALWAYS ask “Whats your budget” and attempts to milk the buyer for more!

I can’t count the number of times I’ve contacted a seller and asked for exactly what they are advertising, and the price is now 3X higher than they are advertising! This happens almost EVERY TIME I contact a seller…Actually, the “Whats your budget” question is almost one of the very first questions asked! Even before the buyer tells you want they want, the seller is already asking you the BUDGET!!

There is MASSIVE and BLATANT false advertising here… If A seller advertises XYZ services for XX amount, as long as my request is covered in their gig description, I will just order. The seller can either do what he/she advertised or cancel. Plain and Simple…

I don’t want to hear the excuse of being backlogged etc. Just change your delivery time, or pause your offering to catchup.

It seems to me, most sellers want buyers to contact so they can jack the price up and cherry-pick the easy and quick work that pays the highest.

I’m sorry this happens to you. Those particular sellers don’t understand sales.

I have a feeling the sellers who do this are really undercharging in their gig prices. I imagine if you contact sellers who are charging by value instead of very low rates, you won’t deal with this. People who charge very little are less likely to be professional.


hi there

if you are buyer you need to read description of gig first and then you need to contact seller and disscuss about all project after that buyer need to place order

following are some reason buyer must need to discuss about project befor place order

  • To avoid Dispute (some times seller not able to fullfill buyer requirment accoring to expectation of buyer)
  • To avoid delay (Some time seller not able to complete within time)
  • To confirm all need (Both can understand each other requrement)
  • To ensure all work able to do by seller
  • To enhance productivity (seller can provide 100% to order)
  • To provide best result

hope this information will help buyer as well as seller



If I could get 1 USD for every buyer on Fiverr who never has and will never go to the forum or click on the forum, I would be X millionaire. There is no way a buyer will ever get to read this post. I am a long term (over three years) buyer, and yesterday was my first time even discovering there is a forum.
Plus, even if this is posted on the front page of Fiverr, 85% of buyers will completely ignore it.


If I could get 1 USD for every buyer on Fiverr who never has and will never go to the forum or click on the forum, I would be X millionaire. There is no way a buyer will ever get to read this post. I am a long term (over three years) buyer, and yesterday was my first time even discovering there is a forum.

Plus, even if this is posted on the front page of Fiverr, 85% of buyers will completely ignore it.

@marinapomorac ok thanks

Guest antomtjvc

Hahahaa Good one 🙂

That´s not how Fiverrs works.


Well said… This issue has hurt me more times than I can count. A seller places an order without reading the description and when they find out the price isnt what works for them, they cancel immediately, leaving us to bear the cost

Guest humanissocial

really very impotent tips

You really should look up the word impotent before you post it here…

You mean important, not impotent, unless your gigs are more exciting than I imagine…

  • 3 weeks later...

To have all parties on the same page: No need, if I’m selling e-mails and you buy my gig, you get an e-mail. We’re all on the same page.

To avoid needless dispute resolution: Not true, I’ve had many complicated clients that messaged before ordering.

To avoid delay: On the contrary, messages delay order completion. Clients can make you wait 24 hours before accepting a custom offer.

To assess seller’s competence: You can do that from my reviews and portfolio samples.

To assess seller’s commitment: See above

To avoid hurting the seller’s reputation, even if you don’t want to. Cancellation hurts sellers more than buyers.

There’s no guarantee you will be a good buyer

To enhance productivity of both parties

On the contrary, Fiverr was designed for quick orders. You want bids and messages? Go to People Per Hour, have fun with their delays.

Improve your health condition. A good job makes you happy, which inturn results into healthy state of mind.

Waking up to several orders improves my health condition. Waking up with just messages drives me crazy.

Personally, I think messages are rude. I don’t message unless I want something you’re not selling, something controversial you’re likely to reject, I need a valid reason to bother the seller, and yet so many sellers think they can bother sellers with stupid questions.

Do you really need to ask me how much, how long, what’s my process? I don’t ask graphic designers how they come up with ideas, it’s none of my business. The only thing that matters is the work I get.

Personally, I think messages are rude.

Then why are you in business? Why are self-employed?


Personally, I think messages are rude.

Then why are you in business? Why are self-employed?

Then why are you in business? Why are self-employed?

I’m in business to get orders, not messages. You’re confusing Fiverr with other competitors.

Why are you on Fiverr? Why do you like messages so much?

I don’t understand sellers that get offended if I order without messaging them first. I would understand if the project was controversial, but if it’s not, what’s the problem? Besides, why should I wait for the seller to get back to me? Why should I check “online only” and limit the talent I can get?

I suppose some sellers would love to be on camera, chatting with buyers, but that’s not Fiverr. We should all learn to work within Fiverr’s parameters. We can always suggest improvements, but in the meantime, adapt to Fiverr instead of expecting Fiverr to adapt to you.


Then why are you in business? Why are self-employed?

I’m in business to get orders, not messages. You’re confusing Fiverr with other competitors.

Why are you on Fiverr? Why do you like messages so much?

I don’t understand sellers that get offended if I order without messaging them first. I would understand if the project was controversial, but if it’s not, what’s the problem? Besides, why should I wait for the seller to get back to me? Why should I check “online only” and limit the talent I can get?

I suppose some sellers would love to be on camera, chatting with buyers, but that’s not Fiverr. We should all learn to work within Fiverr’s parameters. We can always suggest improvements, but in the meantime, adapt to Fiverr instead of expecting Fiverr to adapt to you.

I see your point, and maybe operating that way works best for you.

You seem to view your work as transactional and accepting ”orders.” I’m sure that isn’t a sustainable growth mindset.

If I have a question about a gig service and the seller comes across as unprofessional, lack knowledgable, or unfriendly, I would move on to someone who is more service-minded and business-minded.

On your profile, you said people could message you. :thinking:


I see your point, and maybe operating that way works best for you.

You seem to view your work as transactional and accepting ”orders.” I’m sure that isn’t a sustainable growth mindset.

If I have a question about a gig service and the seller comes across as unprofessional, lack knowledgable, or unfriendly, I would move on to someone who is more service-minded and business-minded.

On your profile, you said people could message you. :thinking:

You seem to view your work as transactional and accepting ”orders.” I’m sure that isn’t a sustainable growth mindset.

All our work, yours included, is transactional. How do I get you to work for me? I place an order. Will you work for me if I don’t order? No. Will you work for money? Yes.

Whether a seller is McDonalds or a 5-star restaurant, the purpose is the same- get orders. Whether the buyer pays $5 or $500, the purpose is to deliver quality work that creates a repeat customer.

If I have a question about a gig service and the seller comes across as unprofessional, lack knowledgable, or unfriendly, I would move on to someone who is more service-minded and business-minded.

If you look at each gig, you will find this:


Why is continue above contact seller? Because Fiverr wants you to order. Fiverr allows you to contact the seller, but it’s not what Fiverr wants.

Maybe this isn’t your platform, maybe you’d be better off hiring sellers offline. Perhaps you can meet them at Starbucks, sit down, and let them give you a presentation of their work and services.

If you want to work online, you need to adapt to the way things are done online. If you message sellers, you have to ask relevant questions that are not answered in the gig description. Otherwise you’re wasting people’s time, and people don’t deserve that.

I also don’t need to be told I lack a “growth mentality” when I was a Top Rated Seller until 2017. I obviously know how to grow, but Fiverr changed, and now I focus on other things.

  • 1 month later...

Naturally every buyer need to talk with seller before place there order. Because after conversation seller can understood what buyer need? then seller can satisfied the buyer. I agree with you because i am a seller & i can understand it.


If I were a buyer, for instance, I would wanna be certain the guy handling my project truly knows his onions.

I would wanna be sure he didn’t just “copy and paste” his gig description.

I would wanna be sure he will not cost me my time.

Even if I am spending 6 dollars, every cent counts.

It’s difficult to know if seller is knowegeable or has just copied his job qualification.so far i have wasted 2 months for my projects.All the sellers i have contacted described themselves as masters but i was so disappointed after so many days that they dont know a thing in what they said thry are capable of.And these type of sellers will always make you wait before you can place any official order.Fiverr should do something about this and verify of sellers are competent and knowelegeable.


It’s difficult to know if seller is knowegeable or has just copied his job qualification.so far i have wasted 2 months for my projects.All the sellers i have contacted described themselves as masters but i was so disappointed after so many days that they dont know a thing in what they said thry are capable of.And these type of sellers will always make you wait before you can place any official order.Fiverr should do something about this and verify of sellers are competent and knowelegeable.

It’s difficult to know if seller is knowegeable or has just copied his job qualification.so far i have wasted 2 months for my projects.All the sellers i have contacted described themselves as masters but i was so disappointed after so many days that they dont know a thing in what they said thry are capable of.And these type of sellers will always make you wait before you can place any official order.Fiverr should do something about this and verify of sellers are competent and knowelegeable.

@donhat148 There are ways to verify if a seller is legit. One of the easiest ways is to initiate a short conversation. Most capable sellers won’t mind a short back-and-forth on your project. It gives them an idea about you too! If something does not feel right in a brief conversation (such as the seller is making you wait unreasonably long) see it as a red flag and move on.

You can also read the comments on the seller’s profile. What other buyers said, might give you some indication about the person. If you are trying a new seller without reviews, the first-time conversation should be a bit longer and more detailed. Rather take some time to set out your instructions clearly and ask the seller to parrot it back to you, to see if he/she understands.

  • 3 weeks later...

Did fiverr update the gig page design again? I got 4 orders this week from people who didn’t see my gig description at all. No prior contact, all the requirements completely ignored. It still happens these days, of course, just not 4 times in a row.


Hi there, I felt it is necessary for us to discuss this.

I will be delving into why all buyers must, as a matter of due diligence, contact the seller they wish to patronise.

As a buyer, please ensure you read the gig description thoroughly before you place an order. Make sure you understand EVERY WORD in the description inorder to avoid dispute. Every word counts. Every sentence must be understood. No room for ambiguity.

If you feel you have read the description and understood it, it’s time to place an order, i guess? But, hey, hold on for a sec. Why don’t you just contact the seller and tell him what it is you are looking forward to.

The reasons why you must send a message to the seller are many, some of whiçh are:

  1. To have all parties on the same page
  2. To avoid needless dispute resolution
  3. To avoid delay
  4. To assess seller’s competence
  5. To assess seller’s commitment
  6. To avoid hurting the seller’s reputation, even if you don’t want to. Cancellation hurts sellers more than buyers.
  7. To enhance productivity of both parties
  8. Improve your health condition. A good job makes you happy, which inturn results into healthy state of mind.

Go on now, do what you have to.

Thanks for reading.

Thank you for this topic. It’s important both new and experienced sellers. There are no good news, if a seller communicate with you like a boss, even he\she has 100500 great reviews. Connection is very-very important in our work, a buyer and a seller should understand each other and try to be useful, polite and understanding. I think, if you are attentive in communication, you pay attention to details in your work.


There are a lot of other freelance sites that work that way. It’s just tough for me to wrap my mind around choosing a platform and then criticizing a fundamental element of it. The shopping cart style that Fiverr uses sets it apart.

I just think sellers with the ‘contact first’ mentality should look at it from the buyer’s side (especially for anyone having trouble getting sales). When I was a buyer, I would literally move right on to the next gig if I saw the words ‘Contact First’. It just gave me the impression that the purchase would be a long drawn-out process. I think you need to be aware that there are probably other buyers like me doing the exact same thing.

I’m always happy to talk with customers who have questions first. But my preference will always be for clients to simply read the gig and place the order. It keeps everything rolling along on both of our sides.

I am a buyer and a seller and I always contact before I buy. I also see the response rate if is 1h I know I will get my answer soon. I contact my buyers for the simple reason that I don’t know if they know how to do what I need and to see if we are on the same page. 99% of gigs on Fiverr are not that simple, maybe I need a research and there are not enought information out there, maybe I need a logo but we are not of the same page regarding my idea. Also if you move beyond the 5$ gigs, before paying 300$ or more you should probably talk with the seller. As a Pro seller I can have a Zoom call with clients because Fiverr understand the importance of communication for big and complex projects. Also I contact out of respect, as a seller I know how it is to feel anxiety to click on the out of office and to be full with orders so why would I add more anxiety and why would I do something to another person that I don’t want to be done to me?


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