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Why I am still in Level 0

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I joined in fiverr 7 months back . and i have more than 30 orders . Still i did’t get promoted to Level 1 .

can i know the reasons?

Please help me friends…


In order to level up you must: Receive Positive Reviews Regularly, Always Deliver on Time, Communicate Quickly and Politely. Stay Out of Trouble and Follow the Rules.

On your profile it says you have a 90% rating. If you want to level up you’d need to get rid of any negative feedback you have.

You can read more on levels here - http://fiverr.com/levels

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Thank you very much for valuable information.

But i want to know…when i can get lvl1 ?

Right now i have 92 % rating…Now How should i get rid of 2 negative feedbacks which i got?

Howmuch Minimum % should be there? like excelent rating means 95% above or 100% ?


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