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What happens if I suspend a gig for a day while I have orders in the queue?

Guest lisha5684

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Guest lisha5684

I am getting too many orders for the time I have, so I need to suspend a gig. But I have orders in the queue. I will complete those orders while my gig is suspended, but I’m not sure if there is any penalty. Is there a penalty at all, and also, can I complete orders that are in the queue if my gig is suspended? Thanks for any help you can give 🙂

Guest tn5rr2012

Nothing wouild happen but you would be off the fiverr radar and its hard to get back the longer you stay away, please don’t go

Guest tn5rr2012

Nothing wouild happen but you would be off the fiverr radar and its hard to get back the longer you stay away, please don’t go

Guest tn5rr2012

Nothing wouild happen but you would be off the fiverr radar and its hard to get back the longer you stay away, please don’t go

Guest tn5rr2012

Nothing wouild happen but you would be off the fiverr radar and its hard to get back the longer you stay away, please don’t go

Guest tn5rr2012

Nothing wouild happen but you would be off the fiverr radar and its hard to get back the longer you stay away, please don’t go


Everyone is corrct here but I have had a similar experinece and have had to suspend my gig to catch up after an influx of orders or a holiday etc. To answer your question there is no penalty other than the fact that your gig won’t be seen for a while, but that’s the point I guess.

Suspending your gig does nothing to the orders already in your queue, you still have to complete those within the deadline in place when it was ordered - the deadline is not suspended! You can work on them in the same way.

In addition, users can still contact you about your gig if they had marked it in their collection for example - I have had several requests from users in this way to please let them know when the gig is re-activated and I normally do it for them right there.

I have found that the suspend feature is very useful for managing gigs. I am lucky enough to have a featured gig, and as soon as I reactivate it, it reappears in the search list so I think that suspension is a great way to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed - it is worse to miss deadlines in my opinion and for that, there certainly IS a penalty 🙂

Hope this helps


Everyone is corrct here but I have had a similar experinece and have had to suspend my gig to catch up after an influx of orders or a holiday etc. To answer your question there is no penalty other than the fact that your gig won’t be seen for a while, but that’s the point I guess.

Suspending your gig does nothing to the orders already in your queue, you still have to complete those within the deadline in place when it was ordered - the deadline is not suspended! You can work on them in the same way.

In addition, users can still contact you about your gig if they had marked it in their collection for example - I have had several requests from users in this way to please let them know when the gig is re-activated and I normally do it for them right there.

I have found that the suspend feature is very useful for managing gigs. I am lucky enough to have a featured gig, and as soon as I reactivate it, it reappears in the search list so I think that suspension is a great way to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed - it is worse to miss deadlines in my opinion and for that, there certainly IS a penalty 🙂

Hope this helps


Everyone is corrct here but I have had a similar experinece and have had to suspend my gig to catch up after an influx of orders or a holiday etc. To answer your question there is no penalty other than the fact that your gig won’t be seen for a while, but that’s the point I guess.

Suspending your gig does nothing to the orders already in your queue, you still have to complete those within the deadline in place when it was ordered - the deadline is not suspended! You can work on them in the same way.

In addition, users can still contact you about your gig if they had marked it in their collection for example - I have had several requests from users in this way to please let them know when the gig is re-activated and I normally do it for them right there.

I have found that the suspend feature is very useful for managing gigs. I am lucky enough to have a featured gig, and as soon as I reactivate it, it reappears in the search list so I think that suspension is a great way to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed - it is worse to miss deadlines in my opinion and for that, there certainly IS a penalty 🙂

Hope this helps


Everyone is corrct here but I have had a similar experinece and have had to suspend my gig to catch up after an influx of orders or a holiday etc. To answer your question there is no penalty other than the fact that your gig won’t be seen for a while, but that’s the point I guess.

Suspending your gig does nothing to the orders already in your queue, you still have to complete those within the deadline in place when it was ordered - the deadline is not suspended! You can work on them in the same way.

In addition, users can still contact you about your gig if they had marked it in their collection for example - I have had several requests from users in this way to please let them know when the gig is re-activated and I normally do it for them right there.

I have found that the suspend feature is very useful for managing gigs. I am lucky enough to have a featured gig, and as soon as I reactivate it, it reappears in the search list so I think that suspension is a great way to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed - it is worse to miss deadlines in my opinion and for that, there certainly IS a penalty 🙂

Hope this helps


Everyone is corrct here but I have had a similar experinece and have had to suspend my gig to catch up after an influx of orders or a holiday etc. To answer your question there is no penalty other than the fact that your gig won’t be seen for a while, but that’s the point I guess.

Suspending your gig does nothing to the orders already in your queue, you still have to complete those within the deadline in place when it was ordered - the deadline is not suspended! You can work on them in the same way.

In addition, users can still contact you about your gig if they had marked it in their collection for example - I have had several requests from users in this way to please let them know when the gig is re-activated and I normally do it for them right there.

I have found that the suspend feature is very useful for managing gigs. I am lucky enough to have a featured gig, and as soon as I reactivate it, it reappears in the search list so I think that suspension is a great way to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed - it is worse to miss deadlines in my opinion and for that, there certainly IS a penalty 🙂

Hope this helps

Guest sweetbribes

Thank you everyone for your response to this question. I wondered about this myself, but since I am just starting with Fiverr, it has not been an issue, but (knock on wood), I am sure that this situation will arise for me in the near future. It is a good problem to have, yes? 😉

Perhaps if this topic gets enough views, Fiverr might think it worthwhile to add it to the FAQ? Enjoy the rest of your day!


Guest sweetbribes

Thank you everyone for your response to this question. I wondered about this myself, but since I am just starting with Fiverr, it has not been an issue, but (knock on wood), I am sure that this situation will arise for me in the near future. It is a good problem to have, yes? 😉

Perhaps if this topic gets enough views, Fiverr might think it worthwhile to add it to the FAQ? Enjoy the rest of your day!


Guest sweetbribes

Thank you everyone for your response to this question. I wondered about this myself, but since I am just starting with Fiverr, it has not been an issue, but (knock on wood), I am sure that this situation will arise for me in the near future. It is a good problem to have, yes? 😉

Perhaps if this topic gets enough views, Fiverr might think it worthwhile to add it to the FAQ? Enjoy the rest of your day!


Guest sweetbribes

Thank you everyone for your response to this question. I wondered about this myself, but since I am just starting with Fiverr, it has not been an issue, but (knock on wood), I am sure that this situation will arise for me in the near future. It is a good problem to have, yes? 😉

Perhaps if this topic gets enough views, Fiverr might think it worthwhile to add it to the FAQ? Enjoy the rest of your day!


Guest sweetbribes

Thank you everyone for your response to this question. I wondered about this myself, but since I am just starting with Fiverr, it has not been an issue, but (knock on wood), I am sure that this situation will arise for me in the near future. It is a good problem to have, yes? 😉

Perhaps if this topic gets enough views, Fiverr might think it worthwhile to add it to the FAQ? Enjoy the rest of your day!


Guest lisha5684

Thanks for all the tips everyone! you rock 🙂

Guest lisha5684

Thanks for all the tips everyone! you rock 🙂

Guest lisha5684

Thanks for all the tips everyone! you rock 🙂

Guest lisha5684

Thanks for all the tips everyone! you rock 🙂


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