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REMINDER: Level Systems Update is January 15th



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    • St. Level’s Day
    • Levelageddon
    • Level Systems Update
    • Levelsgiving Day
    • New Levels Day (making the 14th, New Levels Eve - perhaps there should be a 10,9,8… countdown at midnight?)

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And the crappy junk sellers (they know who they are) disappear from the radar and are no longer able to scam buyers.

Wrong, the scammers will always find a way to scam. Fiverr isn’t fracking with them, they’re fracking with us.

You and I can both earn our former levels back in no time.

I was TRS, you have to be nominated to be TRS. Why would they nominate me now? Have you met a TRS that was demoted and then promoted? I haven’t.

I know I will earn mine back, because I am a serious, determined, professional seller that is drive to succeed.

That is irrelevant, bad things happen to good people everyday. Positivity and motivation is useless when you get bad buyers, bad orders.

If Fiverr was realistic, their minimums would be 4.5 instead of 4.8, and 80% completion rate instead of 90%. They would also allow us to appeal demotions, and maybe Fiverr’s top earners, those who earn more than $1,000 a month, would be protected.

Wrong, the scammers will always find a way to scam. Fiverr isn’t fracking with them, they’re fracking with us.

I’m sorry to hear that you feel this way.

I was TRS, you have to be nominated to be TRS. Why would they nominate me now? Have you met a TRS that was demoted and then promoted? I haven’t.

Just because you or I have not personally met such a TRS, does not mean that they don’t exist – or that re-nomination doesn’t happen. I think you’re stuck in the doom and gloom of today’s events. Perhaps you need to step away from Fiverr for a while, and look at the situation from a different perspective. Your current perspective just seems to be tying you up into tighter and tighter knots. It doesn’t have to be this… final.

That is irrelevant, bad things happen to good people everyday.

And determined, good people learn how to overcome those bad things.

If Fiverr was realistic, their minimums would be 4.5 instead of 4.8, and 80% completion rate instead of 90%. They would also allow us to appeal demotions, and maybe Fiverr’s top earners, those who earn more than $1,000 a month, would be protected.

This first assessment happened today. Let’s give it time to let the dust settle. I would imagine that Fiverr is carefully monitoring and analyzing the wealth of statistics gained from today’s events. Maybe they’ll adjust things. And I am certain they’ll learn things that only today’s stats could have provided.

Let’s not get all worked up over events that are still fresh within the past 18 hours. We’re all way to close to this first assessment to be able to see the path forward as clearly as we would like. Let the dust settle for a few days, and let’s wait and see where this takes us.

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A higher level of seller = a better reputation for Fiverr.

that’s prove, how sellers are important for fiverr. if good sellers don’t exists on fiverr. there will no meaning of fiverr.


that’s prove, how sellers are important for fiverr. if good sellers don’t exists on fiverr. there will no meaning of fiverr.

Your comment makes no sense.


I see they demoted you to level 1. How is that possible? You have 18 Orders in Queue, 4.8 gig rating, you should have gotten promoted to TRS, but thanks to stupid metrics and central planning from Fiverr, you’re demoted just like me.

Well, actually, a demanding buyer thought he’d give me a negative review (and lie in his review to make me look bad too no less), the day before the levels assessment. I had everything ready to go, and would have been nominated to TRS, but, alas, that one seller’s false negative review dropped my 60-day rating just below the 4.8 requirement. Since his review was just before the level adjustment today, that seller alone is responsible for my demotion to Level 1.

He’s the guy who torpedoed my sure-shot at TRS today.

But, it is what it is. The promotion/demotion is automated, and, thanks to that guy, I fell just below the 4.8 requirement less than 24 hours before the assessment. … [shrug]

But, like I said, it’s just a level. I can recover and regain my Level 2 standing in February. 🙂

Even if you can “earn” level 2 back, is it worth it?

Yeah, it is. It’s just a level. To be honest, I didn’t lose anything valuable. I already had under ten active gigs as a Level 2 seller, and the one gig that lost a 5th gig extra lost a cheap extra that buyers rarely add to their orders.

Economically, I didn’t lose anything by being unduly demoted. I prepared for this, and I am able to weather the storm, so to speak. I’ve been a successful seller on Fiverr for almost four years (as of May this spring), and, as you noted, I have a large que of orders. I’ll be fine. My demotion to Level 1 really doesn’t affect me. I’m still the great seller that I have always been! 😉

Fiverr used to be fun.

It still is fun for me. I love my work here; I love my clients; I love the ability to be successfully self-employed. I, myself, don’t plan to go anywhere. I am right where I want to be.

Better to make peanuts with 5 gigs than make buckets with 17.

You don’t have to look at it that way. You can charge whatever you want. If you don’t want to “make peanuts”, don’t ask for peanuts. Anyone can “make buckets”, it’s just a matter of finding the right combination of factors that make that happen.

Then again, you’re making buckets, and how does Fiverr treat you? Like garbage.

Nah, Fiverr isn’t treating me like garbage. My interactions with Fiverr have actually been amazing. They’ve been friendly, helpful, supportive… I don’t support everything about the new level’s system, but it is automated, so why would I blame the Fiverr people I work with, interact with, communicate with, etc for the automated actions of site programming?

We have ALL been affected by this new seller system, some of us positively, others negatively. It is what it is. I plan to work with it, and I’ll be flirting with TRS again in no time!

You shouldn’t be demoted

No, I shouldn’t be. But I blame the terrible buyer that left his “Jon is terrible” false review. He gave me my level demotion. I don’t blame Fiverr in the least. I’ll recover the lost Level 2 in no time. It’s all good.

your gig should be a featured gig, you should be honored, celebrated, and promoted.

Sure, I’ll go for that! Sounds good to me!

But Fiverr doesn’t care, we’re all just cogs in their machine, none of us are special.

In one way, Fiverr “doesn’t care” – sure. This is their business. Fiverr exists so that Fiverr can make money (i.e., their 20% of every sale). And, from that point of view, they really don’t care who makes that money for them – we’re sellers. We’re the money-makers. As long as sales are rolling into Fiverr HQ, Fiverr is happy.

But, in another sense, Fiverr cares deeply about what happens to us. Without us, Fiverr doesn’t make any money. So, Fiverr is working to improve their reputation on the open market, and they are working to support the sellers who work hard to earn a living on their freelance site. Automated seller promotion assessments aside, Fiverr wants us to make money, and they’re working to get ride of the thousands of crappy scammers, so that Fiverr’s impression rises, more buyers come to the site, and those us us great sellers can make more money/sales.

Fiverr cares. Don’t dwell on a lost level… focus on how you can keep growing your business, no matter what happens. 🙂

You really surprised me, thank you for sharing your experience.


Since fiverr is being completely fair and sticking to their guns about demoting even super sellers and ambassadors, they will probably go by the book and promote those who deserve it even if they have previously been demoted.


The longest 48 hours of my life.


I don’t seem to get it, why are people complaining only when they got demoted. These same complainers never many any grudge against Fiverr until now that they have been demoted.

Complaining about the requirements, you should have seen that coming already. Fiverr had changed the requirement 5 months ago, so why complaining. Not achieving those requirements was your fault. 5 months period is enough to maintain a 4.9-star rating, 90% completion rate, 90% response time, and a 90% on-time delivery rate.

Guest offlinehelpers

I don’t seem to get it, why are people complaining only when they got demoted. These same complainers never many any grudge against Fiverr until now that they have been demoted.

Complaining about the requirements, you should have seen that coming already. Fiverr had changed the requirement 5 months ago, so why complaining. Not achieving those requirements was your fault. 5 months period is enough to maintain a 4.9-star rating, 90% completion rate, 90% response time, and a 90% on-time delivery rate.

why are people complaining only when they got demoted

Because they wouldn’t have a reason to complain if they’d stayed the same or been promoted?

It’s human nature - we all complain when something bad happens - go on, I’ll bet you do too!

Not achieving those requirements was your fault.

I’d get your tin hat on if I were you - neither you nor I have any idea what other sellers have dealt with or what the reasons might be for their demotions.

Target numbers are one thing, dealing with other human beings is completely different. Maybe some sympathy might be more appropriate at this point? You can do the ‘seller blaming’ after the next round of evaluations. 😉


why are people complaining only when they got demoted

Because they wouldn’t have a reason to complain if they’d stayed the same or been promoted?

It’s human nature - we all complain when something bad happens - go on, I’ll bet you do too!

Not achieving those requirements was your fault.

I’d get your tin hat on if I were you - neither you nor I have any idea what other sellers have dealt with or what the reasons might be for their demotions.

Target numbers are one thing, dealing with other human beings is completely different. Maybe some sympathy might be more appropriate at this point? You can do the ‘seller blaming’ after the next round of evaluations. 😉

Target numbers are one thing, dealing with other human beings is completely different.

I know that right. But at least, a period of 5 months is enough to maintain those requirements of Fiverr.

It’s human nature - we all complain when something bad happens - go on, I’ll bet you do too!

For sure, all humans will complain. But in this case i would not considering the period interval of notification.

Before the evaluation, I always though I would be demoted. I thought so cos I haven’t reached the $400 mark. Also, within a period of less than 25 days to the evaluation, my response and delivery rate both dropped to 93% and 96% respectively. Without considering the fact that i still meet the requirements, i struggled hard and managed to get them back to 98% and 97%.

Since we already know who we are dealing with (humans), we should have this impression in our mind “anything is bound to happen”. Having this will make us plan escape strategies ahead. Just like investors, they always have an already planned escape strategy.

Guest offlinehelpers

Target numbers are one thing, dealing with other human beings is completely different.

I know that right. But at least, a period of 5 months is enough to maintain those requirements of Fiverr.

It’s human nature - we all complain when something bad happens - go on, I’ll bet you do too!

For sure, all humans will complain. But in this case i would not considering the period interval of notification.

Before the evaluation, I always though I would be demoted. I thought so cos I haven’t reached the $400 mark. Also, within a period of less than 25 days to the evaluation, my response and delivery rate both dropped to 93% and 96% respectively. Without considering the fact that i still meet the requirements, i struggled hard and managed to get them back to 98% and 97%.

Since we already know who we are dealing with (humans), we should have this impression in our mind “anything is bound to happen”. Having this will make us plan escape strategies ahead. Just like investors, they always have an already planned escape strategy.

“anything is bound to happen”. Having

We’re all only as good (in Fiverr’s eyes) as our next muddled buyer or (unjustified) negative review - I’m very much in the mindset of ‘but for the grace of God’ etc. Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t see into the future as to how my buyers will be, what external things might happen etc.

Having this will make us plan escape strategies ahead

Like what - a boat to the nearest desert island, a trip to the zoo, give up on Fiverr completely?

Once you get a cancelled order through no fault of your own, what contingency plan can you possibly make? I’ve had to cancel one today which a buyer purchased at the beginning of December and still hasn’t filled in the requirements despite my gentle reminders. Is that my fault as well? How can I plan for things like that?


“anything is bound to happen”. Having

We’re all only as good (in Fiverr’s eyes) as our next muddled buyer or (unjustified) negative review - I’m very much in the mindset of ‘but for the grace of God’ etc. Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t see into the future as to how my buyers will be, what external things might happen etc.

Having this will make us plan escape strategies ahead

Like what - a boat to the nearest desert island, a trip to the zoo, give up on Fiverr completely?

Once you get a cancelled order through no fault of your own, what contingency plan can you possibly make? I’ve had to cancel one today which a buyer purchased at the beginning of December and still hasn’t filled in the requirements despite my gentle reminders. Is that my fault as well? How can I plan for things like that?

I’m very much in the mindset of ‘but for the grace of God’ etc.

That’s my no1 mindset. Only God’s grace keeps me going. That’s why i must pray anytime i am up from the bed and also free at work. It God’s grace, when i created my account, i never had the hope of getting a buyer the next day, but through God’s grace, the buyer came and has been my repeat client who has purchased more than 12 orders from me.

I know you too must have the same right?

Like what - a boat to the nearest desert island, a trip to the zoo, give up on Fiverr completely?

What! Are you on a journey. Never meant that.I mean escape strategies like thinking ahead.

Most of the people who complain here would say they canceled an order few hours to the evaluation day, or they failed to use the “extend delivery time” tool. If they had thought ahead, it wouldn’t have been like that. They had to days to choose to cancel, they could have just waited a little more.

I had this order which i was thinking of canceling on a mutual agreement, but since i know it would affect my rate and then get me demoted, i decided to shift my cancellation decision to a day after the evaluation. This is an escape strategy. I mean thinking ahead.

Nevertheless, i would not dispute your thoughts in this, humans are different.

Guest offlinehelpers

I’m very much in the mindset of ‘but for the grace of God’ etc.

That’s my no1 mindset. Only God’s grace keeps me going. That’s why i must pray anytime i am up from the bed and also free at work. It God’s grace, when i created my account, i never had the hope of getting a buyer the next day, but through God’s grace, the buyer came and has been my repeat client who has purchased more than 12 orders from me.

I know you too must have the same right?

Like what - a boat to the nearest desert island, a trip to the zoo, give up on Fiverr completely?

What! Are you on a journey. Never meant that.I mean escape strategies like thinking ahead.

Most of the people who complain here would say they canceled an order few hours to the evaluation day, or they failed to use the “extend delivery time” tool. If they had thought ahead, it wouldn’t have been like that. They had to days to choose to cancel, they could have just waited a little more.

I had this order which i was thinking of canceling on a mutual agreement, but since i know it would affect my rate and then get me demoted, i decided to shift my cancellation decision to a day after the evaluation. This is an escape strategy. I mean thinking ahead.

Nevertheless, i would not dispute your thoughts in this, humans are different.

They had to days to choose to cancel, they could have just waited a little more.

That wouldn’t make any difference - the cancellation would simply be reflected in the next evaluation period.

We can plan for stuff that we do, stick to the delivery times, answer all messages etc - the obvious things, but we can’t plan for the actions of others, in our case, our buyers.


They had to days to choose to cancel, they could have just waited a little more.

That wouldn’t make any difference - the cancellation would simply be reflected in the next evaluation period.

We can plan for stuff that we do, stick to the delivery times, answer all messages etc - the obvious things, but we can’t plan for the actions of others, in our case, our buyers.

That wouldn’t make any difference - the cancellation would simply be reflected in the next evaluation period

There is a 30 days availability to fix it over. If not fully, but to a rate that we will not be affected by the next evaluation.


I’m very much in the mindset of ‘but for the grace of God’ etc.

That’s my no1 mindset. Only God’s grace keeps me going. That’s why i must pray anytime i am up from the bed and also free at work. It God’s grace, when i created my account, i never had the hope of getting a buyer the next day, but through God’s grace, the buyer came and has been my repeat client who has purchased more than 12 orders from me.

I know you too must have the same right?

Like what - a boat to the nearest desert island, a trip to the zoo, give up on Fiverr completely?

What! Are you on a journey. Never meant that.I mean escape strategies like thinking ahead.

Most of the people who complain here would say they canceled an order few hours to the evaluation day, or they failed to use the “extend delivery time” tool. If they had thought ahead, it wouldn’t have been like that. They had to days to choose to cancel, they could have just waited a little more.

I had this order which i was thinking of canceling on a mutual agreement, but since i know it would affect my rate and then get me demoted, i decided to shift my cancellation decision to a day after the evaluation. This is an escape strategy. I mean thinking ahead.

Nevertheless, i would not dispute your thoughts in this, humans are different.

Most of the people who complain here would say they canceled an order few hours to the evaluation day, or they failed to use the “extend delivery time” tool. If they had thought ahead, it wouldn’t have been like that. They had to days to choose to cancel, they could have just waited a little more.

But why are you rubbing salt in their wounds? It’s great that you got your 💩 in gear, but chastising others is not the right way to go about things. Why is Tom, Dick & Harry so worried about what other sellers are doing or should’ve done?


Most of the people who complain here would say they canceled an order few hours to the evaluation day, or they failed to use the “extend delivery time” tool. If they had thought ahead, it wouldn’t have been like that. They had to days to choose to cancel, they could have just waited a little more.

But why are you rubbing salt in their wounds? It’s great that you got your 💩 in gear, but chastising others is not the right way to go about things. Why is Tom, Dick & Harry so worried about what other sellers are doing or should’ve done?


Why would I?

I am only outpouring my own view of the situation. If i was demoted, i would not account any blame on Fiverr cos i had months to make my analytics straight.

Despite that they were demoted, some people still never saw it as a fault from Fiverr, they saw it as their fault and as so their burden to bear.

It’s great that you got your 💩 in gear,

Only sighting a personal sample, not promoting my Fiverr status.



Why would I?

I am only outpouring my own view of the situation. If i was demoted, i would not account any blame on Fiverr cos i had months to make my analytics straight.

Despite that they were demoted, some people still never saw it as a fault from Fiverr, they saw it as their fault and as so their burden to bear.

It’s great that you got your 💩 in gear,

Only sighting a personal sample, not promoting my Fiverr status.

I am only outpouring my own view of the situation. If i was demoted, i would not account any blame on Fiverr cos i had months to make my analytics straight.

The SAME thing applies to those sellers. They are expressing themselves, too. Regardless of how you feel, that’s what the forum is for it’s not going to be 🌈.

Despite that they were demoted, some people still never saw it as a fault from Fiverr, they saw it as their fault and as so their burden to bear.

I’ve seen a few people here admitted their faults as to why they’ve been demoted.

Sara spoke up about this and admitted that she mistimed orders.

favicon.icoFiverr Forum 97776_1.png

Do you feel you were unfairly demoted?

Nope. I mistimed a couple of orders, so totally my fault I got demoted.

It is not YOUR burden to bear. Yes! We all had the notice in advance the changes were coming and whatnot. However, allow these sellers to get this stuff off their chest. I’m sure they don’t need you or anybody else on the forum preaching up a storm this is not church.

Now step down from your pulpit.


I am only outpouring my own view of the situation. If i was demoted, i would not account any blame on Fiverr cos i had months to make my analytics straight.

The SAME thing applies to those sellers. They are expressing themselves, too. Regardless of how you feel, that’s what the forum is for it’s not going to be 🌈.

Despite that they were demoted, some people still never saw it as a fault from Fiverr, they saw it as their fault and as so their burden to bear.

I’ve seen a few people here admitted their faults as to why they’ve been demoted.

Sara spoke up about this and admitted that she mistimed orders.

favicon.icoFiverr Forum 97776_1.png

Do you feel you were unfairly demoted?

Nope. I mistimed a couple of orders, so totally my fault I got demoted.

It is not YOUR burden to bear. Yes! We all had the notice in advance the changes were coming and whatnot. However, allow these sellers to get this stuff off their chest. I’m sure they don’t need you or anybody else on the forum preaching up a storm this is not church.

Now step down from your pulpit.

Just like eoinfinnegan,

entering read-only mode


Just like eoinfinnegan,

entering read-only mode

Finally - I set a good example for people to follow 😃

Even when we think we are right, it is not always the best idea to say what we are thinking.

Not everyone is looking for their issue to be analyzed, explained or argued about.

Many great people I know are extremely professional in their work, who have no negative reviews and have been consistently great for a long time got demoted. Others like me got by the assessment by a couple of percent. I know I don’t get many orders from difficult buyers and have not had someone order and want to cancel immediately for no reason - if I had just 2 of those in the past 60 days then I would have been demoted.


Finally - I set a good example for people to follow 😃

Even when we think we are right, it is not always the best idea to say what we are thinking.

Not everyone is looking for their issue to be analyzed, explained or argued about.

Many great people I know are extremely professional in their work, who have no negative reviews and have been consistently great for a long time got demoted. Others like me got by the assessment by a couple of percent. I know I don’t get many orders from difficult buyers and have not had someone order and want to cancel immediately for no reason - if I had just 2 of those in the past 60 days then I would have been demoted.

Finally - I set a good example for people to follow 😃

You are a class act. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. 😉


Finally - I set a good example for people to follow 😃

Even when we think we are right, it is not always the best idea to say what we are thinking.

Not everyone is looking for their issue to be analyzed, explained or argued about.

Many great people I know are extremely professional in their work, who have no negative reviews and have been consistently great for a long time got demoted. Others like me got by the assessment by a couple of percent. I know I don’t get many orders from difficult buyers and have not had someone order and want to cancel immediately for no reason - if I had just 2 of those in the past 60 days then I would have been demoted.

Even when we think we are right, it is not always the best idea to say what we are thinking.

Not everyone is looking for their issue to be analyzed, explained or argued about.

That’s it, @nikavoice wasn’t wrong calling you a class act. You summarized the whole discussion in just 2 sentences.


Even when we think we are right, it is not always the best idea to say what we are thinking.

Not everyone is looking for their issue to be analyzed, explained or argued about.

That’s it, @nikavoice wasn’t wrong calling you a class act. You summarized the whole discussion in just 2 sentences.

Well yes, but that was after spending a lot of time yesterday doing exactly what you have been doing before realizing that it wasn’t having the positive effect I was aiming for. 🙂


Well yes, but that was after spending a lot of time yesterday doing exactly what you have been doing before realizing that it wasn’t having the positive effect I was aiming for. 🙂

Well yes, but that was after spending a lot of time yesterday doing exactly what you have been doing before realizing that it wasn’t having the positive effect I was aiming for. 🙂

Wow! That was a whole lot of time taking realization. Mine was not all that long. You, @offlinehelpers and @nikavoice made it really quick.


Well yes, but that was after spending a lot of time yesterday doing exactly what you have been doing before realizing that it wasn’t having the positive effect I was aiming for. 🙂

Wow! That was a whole lot of time taking realization. Mine was not all that long. You, @offlinehelpers and @nikavoice made it really quick.

Yeah, you had the wise ladies putting you right so it was quicker - I was relying on myself and so it took considerably longer 😃


Yeah, you had the wise ladies putting you right so it was quicker - I was relying on myself and so it took considerably longer 😃

Just checked her name, Lorna. Heard that before, but in an American series The Gifted. Do you know that series?


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