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Never applied on any Buyer Requests


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I never apply for Buyer Requests because whenever I open my Buyer Requests feed I always found requests like “I need some content to write” (by sellers) or the requests on which I can apply are already applied by so many writers that there is no chance I could get an opportunity so I just close that window and leave my fate on search.

All the buyers I have got till now are from the search itself and some have become my regular ones so yes that’s how it is working till now. It has been 3 months and I have delivered around 22 orders but not even single one from BR. I know if I had applied for BRs from the beginning my sales figure could have been better than this. But its ok I am happy with it.

What do you say? am I wrong?

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Guest offlinehelpers

I never apply for Buyer Requests because whenever I open my Buyer Requests feed I always found requests like “I need some content to write” (by sellers) or the requests on which I can apply are already applied by so many writers that there is no chance I could get an opportunity so I just close that window and leave my fate on search.

All the buyers I have got till now are from the search itself and some have become my regular ones so yes that’s how it is working till now. It has been 3 months and I have delivered around 22 orders but not even single one from BR. I know if I had applied for BRs from the beginning my sales figure could have been better than this. But its ok I am happy with it.

What do you say? am I wrong?

I know if I had applied for BRs from the beginning my sales figure could have been better than this

What do you say? am I wrong?

Obviously you’re not wrong - you’re stating what your opinion is, or the obvious depending on which way you look at it. 😉

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I know if I had applied for BRs from the beginning my sales figure could have been better than this

What do you say? am I wrong?

Obviously you’re not wrong - you’re stating what your opinion is, or the obvious depending on which way you look at it. 😉

Yes, You are right but how has been your experience with BRs so far?

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I think using BR section will get you extra sales, no matter how many seller posts on BR section there is still a potential buyer.

But I have also mentioned that the requests on which I can apply would be applied by so many writers that there would be no chance of getting an opportunity. How has been your experience with BRs? If I ask as we are from similar field?

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I never apply for Buyer Requests because whenever I open my Buyer Requests feed I always found requests like “I need some content to write” (by sellers) or the requests on which I can apply are already applied by so many writers that there is no chance I could get an opportunity so I just close that window and leave my fate on search.

All the buyers I have got till now are from the search itself and some have become my regular ones so yes that’s how it is working till now. It has been 3 months and I have delivered around 22 orders but not even single one from BR. I know if I had applied for BRs from the beginning my sales figure could have been better than this. But its ok I am happy with it.

What do you say? am I wrong?

my sales figure could have been better than this

And so could have your cancellation rate and useless discussions with folks who want the world for 5 bucks.

It’s just my opinion, but BR is a ghetto were I don’t go out for a walk.

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Guest burnbetty

But I have also mentioned that the requests on which I can apply would be applied by so many writers that there would be no chance of getting an opportunity. How has been your experience with BRs? If I ask as we are from similar field?

No matter how many writers applied, still try to applied, I applied for a BR over 30 already sent their request but that didn’t stop me and I got an order from BR the following day.

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my sales figure could have been better than this

And so could have your cancellation rate and useless discussions with folks who want the world for 5 bucks.

It’s just my opinion, but BR is a ghetto were I don’t go out for a walk.

useless discussions with folks who want the world for 5 bucks

Yes, I have been there and learnt a lot from that and also paid a lot. Thanks for your reply will think about it. 🙂

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