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When you were ten . . . 👦t3: 👧t3:


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I’d tell my younger self to stop procrastinating and start drawing & painting more seriously so that he/I could make a living out of our passion, and become someone worth mentioning in the digital artists community while collaborating with the big names and eventually working at a big company as a concept artist.

Stop playing and start drawing & learning all about that!

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I would tell myself not to worry about High School, not to bother with anything other than basic Math, Economics, German and French.

To be fair, I did actually not bother with the other stuff, but I would tell 10 yr old me not to worry about it.

For sure, I worried too much about grades, and my social life!

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Guest digipixtrooper

I would tell my 10-year-old self not to take life too seriously (meaning “to go with the flow”), not to care about what other people would think about you, and to be friends with people that won’t betray you.

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“Don’t be afraid of drugs and don’t skip any opportunity of getting laid.”

This is what I wanted to say but I keep getting flagged for using graphic metaphors and was worroed that I might give a Mod a hernia. In any case, I agree. The thing is, drugs today aren’t the same as when we were younger. Our generation had good drugs. Now everything is tainted with synthetic crap which cooks your brain and makes your hands fall off.

In this case, I’d say don’t be afraid of naturally derived drugs but do have a stockpile stash of your own stuff by 2005, as after that, everything just gets dirty.

Then I’d whisper where to bury that stash before taking a Fly Agaric sleeper train back to 2017 and cashing in in time for New Year…

Being one of the fi…y few people who are actually decide to write valuable, thoughtful comments or don’t write anything at all comes with the price tag of getting flagged.

So here is the PG13 thing I would say to my younger self:

"You will have to overcome a lot of obstacles, just like everybody else and b.t.w. if you get the chance to bleep don’t hesitate even if it is the bleep of your best bleep, because over 40 years you won’t even bleep bleep bleep .

Don’t you worry, I will explain the bleeps when you are 16. "

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Guest jenihiggs

I can’t think of anything I would say to ten year old me, because ten year old me was pretty awesome. All I did was read and write and dream about becoming an author one day. Then I became a teenager and decided that I wanted to be “cool”. I would tell thirteen through seventeen year old me to stop making bad choices and flunking out of classes and be more like nerdy ten year old me 😛

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If I could tell my 10-year-old self one thing, I’d encourage him to…

“Keep being creative – keep drawing, keep dreaming. You’ll be in movies, you’ll be creating some awesome art for some really cool people, and… you’ll be self-employed and own your own business. You’ve got an awesome life ahead of you. Don’t let the little worries now keep you down!”

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If I were 10…

I would have told my self to keep on writing… book, poems, drama’s… I still have those old write ups in a box…
I had a few friends who thought I was silly to be writing whole the time… 🙂

After winning the national award in 2007 for my poetry collection (5 months before my father passed away)…
I kind of stopped writing…

But I wish I had kept writing…

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“You will always be a nerd, always crazy, always a bit of a dumb@$$, but trust me, you will be just fine. Life is great, and you’ll be meeting great people and have tons of experience that will make you stronger. And a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit smarter.”

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Guest l562ucian

i want to tell myself to tell my parents to take me to a musical school and pay for me to learn guitar.

i’ll tell myself to never fall in love because i’ll have a bad experience, and fail

instead of playing mobile or pc games, i’ll should actually practice music, sport, chess…

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