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Being credited as an author of a piece of content


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Quick question. I’ve scored a far too good to be true client (my paranoia kicks in when they join the same month as they start placing big orders) and they have asked me (very important) if I would like to be credited as the author of their work.

Now I’d really like that Cyax Rex Freelance writer at Fiverr would be good enough for me. This being the case and as long as a credit uses my Fiverr username, would Fiverr be okay with that? I do use this handle elsewhere but not on any other freelancing sites and it can not be traced back to my email. That said, it can be traced back to a few social media accounts which I rarely use.

I personally would like this as it’s a bit of free marketing. Also, I have found people who have credited me without asking during Google searches of myself.

So, does anyone have any experience with this?

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I’ve been credited on a number of things with my username and sometimes links back to my profile.

As long as that is what you allow then I don’t see any issue and actually think Fiverr would be positive about that. Anything else would be giving details for outside contact so could be an issue.

Yeah, it’s just going to be Cyaxrex @ Fiverr.

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