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We need penalty free mutual cancellations back!


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It would be great if sellers could decide if they wish to take on the job or not. I’m not saying it should be mandatory because for some high volume gigs this automatic process works fine, but as a seller, I should be able to decide if I wish to disable automatic orders or not. If Fiverr wants they can turn on automatic orders for “Available Now” sellers or create a similar feature.

I can’t remember the last time someone came to my profile and ordered the gig without talking to me. All my orders are based on custom offers so I get to decide if I wish to make that offer or not.

However, there’s no guarantee that tomorrow someone won’t order my gig without talking to me and then if I don’t like it, my gig takes a hit through cancellation.

Right now as soon as you post a gig Fiverr will automatically accept any ridiculous order that comes your way and if you don’t like it then Fiverr will basically bury your gig.

It would be really great if the sellers have an option to choose if they want to work with a buyer’s order or not

coz there are a lot of buyers who order without communication and order ends up cancelled mutually or buy support ( recent experience, had to go to support to get the order cancelled coz the buyer was declining the request again and again, when i clearly informed that i cannot take his job )

such cancellations result in decreasing the traffic on your gig and are not worth while

something should be done here


I have 3 buyers online that don’t want pay Extra.
2 of them don’t reply and one said “if you cant do the job I asked for, then you need to refund my order. That’s it!”

I tried to send good offers buyt they don not want to pay more than $5.
I am going to cancel these orders 😦 .
This is really bad situation.


I have 3 buyers online that don’t want pay Extra.

2 of them don’t reply and one said “if you cant do the job I asked for, then you need to refund my order. That’s it!”

I tried to send good offers buyt they don not want to pay more than $5.

I am going to cancel these orders 😦 .

This is really bad situation.

OT Click Here @videosketch

Wow, you have great gigs, bookmarked for future reference.


I’ve had to do a lot of mutual cancellations as Fiverr changed some policies making certain videos a violation of TOS. Clients still order them, and I have to cancel them, even though I state I don’t do them. Not sure how much impact it is having on sales, it’s hard to say.


I’ve had to do a lot of mutual cancellations as Fiverr changed some policies making certain videos a violation of TOS. Clients still order them, and I have to cancel them, even though I state I don’t do them. Not sure how much impact it is having on sales, it’s hard to say.

Actually, I have this problem too. I used to offer videos which people could click buttons inside of to get directed straight to product sales pages. (A killer tool by the way for Amazon affiliate marketers). As it was, though, loads of buyers couldn’t understand what to do with the html code I sent them to embed their videos and I had to take this option away. I still, however, get people ordering this service and it’s not possible for me to give them now as I don’t use the same software anymore.

Have you tried creating an entirely new gig to replace the one you are having problems with?


Actually, I have this problem too. I used to offer videos which people could click buttons inside of to get directed straight to product sales pages. (A killer tool by the way for Amazon affiliate marketers). As it was, though, loads of buyers couldn’t understand what to do with the html code I sent them to embed their videos and I had to take this option away. I still, however, get people ordering this service and it’s not possible for me to give them now as I don’t use the same software anymore.

Have you tried creating an entirely new gig to replace the one you are having problems with?

If I create new gig, I lose the hundreds of 5 star reviews.


If I create new gig, I lose the hundreds of 5 star reviews.

This is true. However, if I was you, I would create a new one anyway and divert custom offers and people who contact you prior to ordering to it. Make it a bit different and maybe put it in a different category. I had a real sales slump on my main video gig but I created a different version and so far I’m getting a tidy number of sales even though I’ve got something stupid like only 5 reviews.

It’s worth doing.

Edit: Also, wow. I just checked out your gigs! Apply for Pro! I said this to another video person. Some sellers like you offer really awesome services. Just find out what category Fiverr will allow you to make a Pro gig in and apply. - I’m getting quite into this whole real person videography actually. I want a slice of the pie but I wouldn’t know where to start.


This is true. However, if I was you, I would create a new one anyway and divert custom offers and people who contact you prior to ordering to it. Make it a bit different and maybe put it in a different category. I had a real sales slump on my main video gig but I created a different version and so far I’m getting a tidy number of sales even though I’ve got something stupid like only 5 reviews.

It’s worth doing.

Edit: Also, wow. I just checked out your gigs! Apply for Pro! I said this to another video person. Some sellers like you offer really awesome services. Just find out what category Fiverr will allow you to make a Pro gig in and apply. - I’m getting quite into this whole real person videography actually. I want a slice of the pie but I wouldn’t know where to start.

Good idea, thanks…


Actually, I have this problem too. I used to offer videos which people could click buttons inside of to get directed straight to product sales pages. (A killer tool by the way for Amazon affiliate marketers). As it was, though, loads of buyers couldn’t understand what to do with the html code I sent them to embed their videos and I had to take this option away. I still, however, get people ordering this service and it’s not possible for me to give them now as I don’t use the same software anymore.

Have you tried creating an entirely new gig to replace the one you are having problems with?

I hear ya man, I hear ya. Here’s an idea, how about we start one of those change.org petitions? I’ve seen them work in some cases.


I hear ya man, I hear ya. Here’s an idea, how about we start one of those change.org petitions? I’ve seen them work in some cases.

Change.org petitions don’t work. If they did, Africa would be overrun with rhinos, whales would feel perfectly safe frolicking off the Japanese coast, and sensible people who aren’t clearly all members of some secret satanic sect would rule the world instead of the dangerous numpties we all have now.

I’m not going for this. The only thing it could possibly do is cause press which Fiverr might not like and we would be booted out and be forced to live eating squirrels under highway bridges whilst wearing newspaper to stay warm.

I’ve sampled that life already. It’s not something I want to sample again.


Change.org petitions don’t work. If they did, Africa would be overrun with rhinos, whales would feel perfectly safe frolicking off the Japanese coast, and sensible people who aren’t clearly all members of some secret satanic sect would rule the world instead of the dangerous numpties we all have now.

I’m not going for this. The only thing it could possibly do is cause press which Fiverr might not like and we would be booted out and be forced to live eating squirrels under highway bridges whilst wearing newspaper to stay warm.

I’ve sampled that life already. It’s not something I want to sample again.

See, that started off funny and went dark real fast. You’ve seen some dark stuff on Fiverr haven’t you? Let’s hope this thread gain enough traction or gets pinned to hopefully get Fiverr’s attention.


See, that started off funny and went dark real fast. You’ve seen some dark stuff on Fiverr haven’t you? Let’s hope this thread gain enough traction or gets pinned to hopefully get Fiverr’s attention.

You’ve seen some dark stuff on Fiverr haven’t you?

Nope. Just lived it a bit too large in the real world a few times. That said, I don’t ever eat anything I can’t spell. I said squirrels, I used Grammarly to try and get away with it, but I think we all know what rodent I really meant.


Actually, I have this problem too. I used to offer videos which people could click buttons inside of to get directed straight to product sales pages. (A killer tool by the way for Amazon affiliate marketers). As it was, though, loads of buyers couldn’t understand what to do with the html code I sent them to embed their videos and I had to take this option away. I still, however, get people ordering this service and it’s not possible for me to give them now as I don’t use the same software anymore.

Have you tried creating an entirely new gig to replace the one you are having problems with?

I used to offer videos which people could click buttons inside of to get directed straight to product sales pages. (A killer tool by the way for Amazon affiliate marketers). As it was, though, loads of buyers couldn’t understand what to do with the html code I sent them to embed their videos and I had to take this option away.

Oh! That sounds so amazing. Why not install it for them?


I used to offer videos which people could click buttons inside of to get directed straight to product sales pages. (A killer tool by the way for Amazon affiliate marketers). As it was, though, loads of buyers couldn’t understand what to do with the html code I sent them to embed their videos and I had to take this option away.

Oh! That sounds so amazing. Why not install it for them?

I did, it was like asking a pig to roast itself.

Guest chrispoirier

If you ask them a question and get no response within twelve hours you should not get penalized also.

I often need to ask a question to proceed but they don’t respond.

Yes! There are an insane amount of unreasonable buyers on this site and I think the level of harshness THEIR irresponsibility and jerkishness effects our rankings should be wayyyy less.

  • 2 weeks later...

Had this nightmare 4 years ago the negative feedback STILL affects my ranking as seller today.

Why not just add a “ACCEPT ORDER” on seller’s dashboard? that way the buyer doesnt lose their money and we dont waste our time, and so this wont affect our score (kind of a choose your battles, mentality )


The most reasonable way to benefit everyone would be to keep the system exactly as it is but allow cancellations to have no effect on rankings if they are instigated within 12-hours and if they are instigated because a buyer has bought the wrong thing, wants to cancel themselves, or has not provided essential order information.

After 12-hours, sellers would just have to suck eggs.

Doing things this way would stop people abusing the mutual cancellation system in the event of non-deliveries and late orders etc.

Instead of calling it a cancellation, Fiverr could allow sellers to decline an order within 12-24 hours of it being placed with no penalty.


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