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How much does a video help?

Guest stitchingamy

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Guest stitchingamy

I always hear that having a video will help, but that seems to be standard, official advice given to everyone. No one has been able to say, "yes, it helped for me!"

So what I’m wondering is this - can anyone here actually verify that having a video helped a gig? What I mean is, do you have a gig that you added a video to and noticed a significant increase in buyers? One where you KNOW the increase in buyers is due to the video?


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This question pops up regularly.

YES! A video helped me … tremendously!

A word of caution. You can’t just throw up any video, that is hastily shot and produced.

No buyer wants to see a messy bedroom with clothes hanging on a chair and dog sleeping on a bed in the background.

Best results come with a high quality video (with great audio) that is planned, prepared, shot and edited well. If the video is done right, with you in it, dressed properly, explaining your service, and focusing on the gig, I think you’ll be surprised at the results.

Just my 2 cents.

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Guest stitchingamy

Reply to @voiceoverwork:

Thanks for the reply!

Mine would actually be craft gigs, so any video I did would probably just be a slideshow of samples. I’ve seen that some of the more successful craft sellers have similar videos, but I was wondering whether or not it was worth a shot. Thanks for the advice!

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I believe videos helped placement rankings in the previous version of fiverr, however I do not know how much this version takes the presence of a video into consideration for rankings in the listings.

I do know that a video helps with sales in general. It provides a better “shopping” experience for the buyers and they will be more inclined to purchase a gig from a seller with a video, than one without a video.

If you don’t mind being on video, I would suggest a quick 10 - 15 second intro with you introducing yourself and a brief explanation of your gig. From there, I would put in the slide show of your sample products for people to see.

This will add a personal touch and people, in general, like to buy from people they know. While they of course won’t actually “know” you, they will have a better connection with your product by being able to visualize the person and personality of who is creating it for them!

Definitely worth the effort and you might even have a fun time making it! 🙂

Best of luck!


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Like voiceoverwork said, I would agree that if a video is done professionally, it COULD work to increase your sales. I am having videos with me personally introducing the service and it has shown a little bit of increment but I have also seen someone with no videos on their gigs and still making a lot more!

No harm trying though

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