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How to make my gig better and start getting orders?


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I think your gig looks great, the text is nice and all. Why not adding a video though? It makes perfect sense to do in your case. Many people benefit from it. It doesn’t fit every gig, but for you it would be perfect.

Maybe you can offer something more unique by offering a 15 minute “s***e coaching” with video. What do you think?

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Hi kaince,

Thanks for your input I really appreciate it, I am glad you liked it 🙂 I honestly thought of those 2 recommendations you mentioned; for video it will take time and I will do it in the near future, but I while take my time with it since I want it to be professional. for s***e or by Phone private coaching I wanted to do that now but Fiverr did not allow me to add extras just yet maybe barbecue my account is new.

If more people could give me some more insight tips I would certainly appreciate it.

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