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Oddest Fiverr Experience Ever!


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Okay, so, my orders have been running dry recently and so I’ve been putting in some good effort to promote myself and work to get my gigs noticed. Me and a friend of mine with a few connections busied ourselves with a few hours yesterday to work on advertising and spreading the word on facebook, quora, tumblr - even quizilla - twitter, and many other websites, and, though there has been little success so far, we’re still positive. Anyway - we must have picked up some interesting customers on the way, because I received an order that was /very/ strange today.

To bring more traffic to my account, I’ve made a few extra gigs. One of these was a “I will draw your pet in a cute chibi style for $5”, an idea that was previously somewhat successful but was suspended and then deleted by myself last year as I started to concentrate on other areas. Anyway, I remade that gig and received my first order on it this morning. Bearing in mind, the description read; "These pictures cannot be used for book covers or in books."

Now, when I got my order (my first in two weeks!), I was totally over the moon!

Clicking on it eagerly, I waited for my laptop to drag itself over to the right page and scrolled down to the information with an excited smile. What I saw was /very/ unusual. The buyer wanted me to create an Ebook cover for a guide on how to last longer in bed. They wanted the picture on the front to be a very explicit picture of two people engaged in (what looked like from their expressions) some /very/ explosive adult cuddles (this picture was attached, of course, with the information).

Now, that aside; I’ve heard of buyers not reading the description, but this was just bewildering! So, not only did the buyer not read the description, but they also seemed to be unable to read the title of the gig as well as take note of the example pictures that I’ve displayed with them. I don’t know whether they saw cute puppies and immediately thought “premature ejaculation ebook!”, or something else, but it was certainly quite the experience.

Anyway, yeah. Needless to say, I shot them a mutual cancellation request. But that was weird.

And a major let-down.


Whoa, that’s not a nice experience at all! I still fear the moment someone will order something I can’t/don’t want to do (too much of nudity, religious things, anything with spiders,…) and it will be already ordered, so I’ll have to cancel. It’s really bad we can’t just decline order! :C


Reply to @ynneblack: It was definitely weird :’) Ahaha - don’t be afraid of cancellations! At least you /can/ cancel them, eh? Imagine having to go all the way through with it. And don’t worry too much about getting weird orders. It’s the first unusual order I’ve had and I’ve been on this website for over a year.


Reply to @kjblynx: No problem :'D I was a bit stunned to laugh, but I’m definitely chuckling about it now. I’d be interested to hear about those strange requests!


Reply to @ynneblack: Well, if it’s a mutual cancellation request, it won’t effect your rate. Also, if it /does/ effect your rate (and it shouldn’t), take it up with CS and they’ll sort it. 😃


It will have an effect on your levels, and when you reach a certain cancellation percentage you can lose your levels or be denied advancement.

All cancellations count one way or another and everyone is calculated into your overall ratio. It is not clear to me even after countless threads on the matter how mutual cancelations affect the seller, but some say it does others, say no.


I’m pretty sure some Fiverr dude recently mentioned that, with V2, mutual cancellations and cancellations made by the Customer Service won’t have an effect on your levels any more, whereas forced cancellations will.


Either way buyers can see a sellers’ cancellation ratio, and if it is high that may deter them. I personally feel a seller should be able to reject orders without penalty. Not arbitrarily, but if it is beyond the scope of their gig, find it offensive and so on.


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