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I was told to revise my image, which I did, changing it to the size specified. Your people still say that it is wrong. I must protest. It is a snapshot of an article that I wrote, and it is easily readable by anyone who wishes to.

I do NOT have the time to continuously revise these photos, nor do I have the money to buy some high-end, sophisticated software to obtain some level of photographic perfection that your people want. Like I said, it is easily readable by any person with normal eyes. I used a capture program called snapshot.

This is completely absurd. You are intentionally antagonizing and angering a customer (me), and I cannot understand why. There is nothing wrong with my photo, and I am NOT going to go buying some $1000 software to satisfy your editors (and put up a $5 gig). Instead, I will avoid your site in the future if I cannot get satisfaction here.

You may consider this to be a formal protest, and I expect it to be forwarded to a supervisor.

(This was originally intended for a support ticket, but after about ten fruitless attempts, going through many different forms, I gave up trying to submit a support ticket).

Sorry about two images. It is only one image, put twice because I am not familiar with the format and I initially thought something went wrong with the uploading.

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Reply to @kjblynx: They had some computer look at the resolution, and the computer concluded that my photo was unacceptable. I am not going to go through this struggle every single time with them; I will simply take my business elsewhere.

I have some decent software, but none of it is at Fiverr’s snooty level, whatever that is. And yes I did take a look at other gigs but did not find any photos that were relevant to the gigs in question, leaving me even more confused.

If they don’t care enough to deal fairly with their customers, then I don’t have to deal with them. There are plenty of sites out there that WILL accept my gigs. Not even Ebay is this difficult to work with.

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