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2 Questions (Just for fun!)


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Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Me: No.

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

Me: LOL…if I told my mom that I go by the name “Writer99025” she would think…God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?

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Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Me: No.

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

Me: LOL…if I told my mom that I go by the name “Writer99025” she would think…God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?

Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

Q1: Yes. Most people in my life know what I do. I’ve even gained a number of local clients here in my hometown, who have used my Fiverr services.

Q2: My username is relatively self-explanatory. 😉

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Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Me: No.

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

Me: LOL…if I told my mom that I go by the name “Writer99025” she would think…God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?

Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

No one knows what I do for a living except my mother and my younger brother.

They don’t know about my username in Fiverr.

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Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Me: No.

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

Me: LOL…if I told my mom that I go by the name “Writer99025” she would think…God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?

God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?

You will marry when you are ready. 😀

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Guest offlinehelpers

Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

No one knows what I do for a living except my mother and my younger brother.

They don’t know about my username in Fiverr.

The first name is my real name and the second one is the name of my mother.

Potential Scammer:

Thank you so much for giving us that information, now if we could just have the last 4 numbers of your credit card please?

See how easy it could be to scam people when you give them all that info? You’ll be posting screenshots of your dashboard next!

Seriously - I’d be very careful about what you post online - for your own sake! ☀️

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Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Me: No.

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

Me: LOL…if I told my mom that I go by the name “Writer99025” she would think…God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?

Yeah, I tell anyone who will listen that I work on Fiverr and elsewhere.

If I told my parents that my name is eoinfinnegan they would just look at me blankly before saying “we know, we gave it to you”.

God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?


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Yeah, I tell anyone who will listen that I work on Fiverr and elsewhere.

If I told my parents that my name is eoinfinnegan they would just look at me blankly before saying “we know, we gave it to you”.

God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?


Celebrating my weirdness 🏏

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Q1: Yes. My family knows, and so do some of my coworkers. In fact I think one of them is a
frequent buyer. Not sure what kind of gigs she buys though.
I also had some of my coworkers say “Fiverr sucks, I saw some of the gigs and the quality is terrible.” so I told them a lot of them are very bad, but there are tons of them that are very good.

Q2: Since Zeus is my nickname is real life, my coworkers say stuff like “I bet your Fiverr name is Zeus” and they are right in a way, but they don’t know the 777 at the end.
I guess I never really told anyone since they never asked.

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Guest digipixtrooper

Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Me: No.

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

Me: LOL…if I told my mom that I go by the name “Writer99025” she would think…God, there is something really weird about him, is that why he is not married yet?

Q1: Have you told anyone in real life/offline life about Fiverr?

Just my family. I only tell others if they ask me what kind of job I’m doing. It would feel as if I’m bragging if I tell them even though they didn’t ask.

Q2: Have you told anyone about your username on Fiverr?

My mom is the only one who knows about this. She didn’t even bother to say, “What kind of username is that!?”

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Yes! I told my parents that I was earning money online and they were really excited. My mom actually found my account, so she checks in on my reviews from time to time to see how I’m doing. Funnily enough she actually messaged me today to tell me I was doing really well!

Since my mom found my account my family knows. I’ve used it for various throwaway things in the past so none of them are super surprised by it. (When I started Fiverr I was pretty sure it wouldn’t go anywhere; hence the awful username. Ah, regrets.)

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I’ve told as many people as I could about fiverr and my username. You can figure out what my name means in a second, I even sign my real name in messages to buyers. As the great Ron Swanson once said " if you believe in something, you sign your name to it"


Jonathan Crounse

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I’ve told as many people as I could about fiverr and my username. You can figure out what my name means in a second, I even sign my real name in messages to buyers. As the great Ron Swanson once said " if you believe in something, you sign your name to it"


Jonathan Crounse


Jonathan Crounse

That’s great bro. I also do sign my name.

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