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I feel i was deceived


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I bought from the seller service, and it was delivered on time but everyday it’s dropping of likes and now it down to 282 like for my facebook. I just brought it less than two week ago the service.

The worst to this when i file a complain the fiverr customer service wont allow me to send message even i filled up the information that needed. I feel fiverr is protecting the seller very much that they disable the customer service. Now my money is gone with no reason.

I attached the example that the fiverr wont allow me to send because it’s still asking for topic or other.

This is the message after i purchased my service:

{{{{{{{{Thank you for ordering ‘I will sell FACEBOOK likes 6000 real facebook likes only for $5’ by XXXXX.

Your seller requires some information to get started:

"Thank you for buying our service, i need your fan page link, if have any country limitation please remove it, thank you very much again."

Click here to submit the requirements and track your order’s progress.

Information About Your Order

Order #FO21CE580E64 | Expected Delivery: 02 Aug 2013

Need Help?}}}}}}}

PLease help

thank you very much to someone that would help me or else I WILL FILE A DISPUTE THROUGH PAYPAL, if that’s the only way i can get my money back.


Sheriff’s Note: Image removed. Contained user name and/or personal identification.


Does the service says the facebook likes will stay forever? If no, then it could be automated likes (ex: bots) where the number of likes will fluctuate eventually. So you can’t entirely blame the seller if this was not guaranteed by the seller. (PS: Fiverr doesn’t protect the sellers more than the buyer)


Why would you want fake likes anyway? The only way someone could give you real likes would be if they hijacked accounts. Therefore, they are fake. How can your business prosper by having fake social status?


Does the service says the facebook likes will stay forever? If no, then it could be automated likes (ex: bots) where the number of likes will fluctuate eventually. So you can’t entirely blame the seller if this was not guaranteed by the seller. (PS: Fiverr doesn’t protect the sellers more than the buyer) [url=http://www.fragglesrock

Sheriff’s Note: Outside links are not allowed



I think I read somewhere in facebook that it’s against the rules to buy likes, can’t remember exactly where on fb. The likes automatically comes off once its fake. The best way to get likes would be through fb ads and your friends.

So sorry to hear this.


I’m sorry you did not understand what you were buying- I got caught like this once although not from a Fiverr seller 🙂 I paid what looked to be a legitimate seach engine optimization site very active online, for ‘views’ and they used a bot! I was so angry - I caught them by using a stats recorder on my website - I never got my money back from them as I never asked for it - it was like 12.00 or so, I felt that it was my own ignorance and I learnt my lesson about the types of things that can catch you out with website advertising. I hope you get some help with this.


Additionally, you can have genuine likes and it is the traditional way like Pandee said - it is friends and ads, and also :- joining groups helped a lot and participating - good luck.


I’ve found asking friends to spread the word is the best way to promote things. I’ve gotten my only commissions via people who know my friends. ^_~ Real people and word of mouth will forever and always be the best.


this was the message to me that it’s lifetime. fake or not so knows you are doing it too. That’s why you are in this business.

Sheriff’s Note: Image removed. Contained user name.

Guest lisha5684

Whenever people buy likes or followers and the seller gives bots for likes and followers, they will eventually drop off. Although I have never heard of it happening so soon. You should do a facebook Like ad campaign for real Likes. You can message me for more info on how to do that if you’d like. There’s not really much of a point of fake likes or followers.

Were you able to give negative feedback on the order? Usually the seller will do everything in their power to not get negative feedback. And also I must concur with jasveena… Fiverr does not protect sellers over buyers. They actually tend to lean in favor of the buyer, so I’m not sure why they’ve just neglected you.

(UPDATE: I went to check the gig and it looks like you gave positive feedback. Can you change that to negative feedback? I’m pretty sure you can… that will at least get the attention of the seller).


Please note, buying likes or having paid likes on Facebook (and Twitter, YouTube, Instagram) is a violation of their Terms of Service.

Fiverr.com also says that third-party violations are a violation of Fiverr’s own Terms of Service.

To say it bluntly if you either company finds out (Fiverr, or Facebook) you paid for likes your account here, and Facebook page will be shut down. No questions asked.

Make sure you read a companies Terms of Service, especially when you plan on running your business on their site.

  • 6 months later...
Guest celticmoon

All you lost were superfluous (i.e. not real) “likes”. And $5. Could be worse:

Consider it a lesson learned.

Guest celticmoon

Reply to @lovingrainbow: The problem is, there are some (I’m guessing only a few) who sell legitimate links, followers, SEO advice. reviews, etc. Usually they sell much smaller, more realistic numbers, but too many people want those big, fat juicy high numbers, hoping to skyrocket to success overnight. Eliminating a whole category of sellers because some are dishonorable means eliminating people who are honest, who sell help & advice making slow, steady progress. As long as there are impatient people who would rather take short-cuts, there are others willing to sell them the short-cuts that usually end up being dead-ends. This is true throughout the internet, not just on Fiverr.

lovingrainbow said: I hope fiverr.com will not post this kind of service so that people will not tempt to do it. That's simple.


They don't allow it, and eventually the Gig is found out and get pulled. From there a restriction is placed on the users account and they're requested to contact Customer Service. If you see it, say something (contact Customer Support) and let them know about the Gig. The websites as a whole will only be as good as the users allow make it.


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