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Impression but no order? #help @anyone


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Guest lloydsolutions

Your recent delivery was 15 hours ago. Read the forum for tips and check out the www.Fiverr.com/Academy for details on how to become a successful seller on Fiverr.


Your recent delivery was 15 hours ago. Read the forum for tips and check out the www.Fiverr.com/Academy for details on how to become a successful seller on Fiverr.

dear Sir,

This delivery my modification delivery.

I got this order after all 7 days ago…

Please suggest me…

My gigs description & optimization are good or bad??

#advance THX I tell you more info

Guest offlinehelpers

Why do you think 784 impressions means good? Mine is 119k.

Good for you, but I think the OP was asking about his impressions! 🙂

Good morning @ranarmlove3!

Your gig looks fine - the only thing it’s missing to get more clicks and sales is reviews.

Two ways you can do this - either promote your gig off Fiverr to bring new buyers in, or use buyer requests. As your reviews increase, you clicks, sales etc. will will also go up.

Good luck! 🙂

Guest expertpeople

i did all steps but impression is not good so far


Good for you, but I think the OP was asking about his impressions! 🙂

Good morning @ranarmlove3!

Your gig looks fine - the only thing it’s missing to get more clicks and sales is reviews.

Two ways you can do this - either promote your gig off Fiverr to bring new buyers in, or use buyer requests. As your reviews increase, you clicks, sales etc. will will also go up.

Good luck! 🙂

It’s not. It’s 784 over 30 days or 26 each day and it’s a pretty bad stat.

Guest offlinehelpers

It’s not. It’s 784 over 30 days or 26 each day and it’s a pretty bad stat.

I made no comment on the OP’s impression count, but everybody’s got to start somewhere! 🙂

As your impressions are so good, what advice would you offer the OP please?

Added - my ‘good for you’ comment was aimed at you @ducnomo , not the OP! 🙂


I made no comment on the OP’s impression count, but everybody’s got to start somewhere! 🙂

As your impressions are so good, what advice would you offer the OP please?

Added - my ‘good for you’ comment was aimed at you @ducnomo , not the OP! 🙂

There’s no advice to be honest. As long as you offer quality and original service, your stats will gradually (or even rapidly) improve over time. You do data entry job, what makes you stand out from bunch of other similar services? If there isn’t any then there’s isn’t chance for you of course.

Guest offlinehelpers

There’s no advice to be honest. As long as you offer quality and original service, your stats will gradually (or even rapidly) improve over time. You do data entry job, what makes you stand out from bunch of other similar services? If there isn’t any then there’s isn’t chance for you of course.

Thank you so much for your advice - I’m sure the OP will appreciate it! 😀


Dear Kawser:

I suggest you simplify your name to something Buyers would be comfortable calling you.

I took a quick look at your profile:

Run down the Improve My Gig Checklist ( 'http://forum.fiverr.com/t/improve-my-gig-checklist/84987` ). You’ve studied Fiverr Academy, listened to Fiverrcast or read the transcripts, studied the offerings on Fiverr in your niche, right?

If I started on this checklist for you…
Smiling in profile Image … NO
Professionally dressed in profile image … NO
Video in gigs … NO
YOU Appear in your video … NO
Optimum use of Key Words … NO
Polished English grammar, punctuation, and spelling (try the Grammarly extension for your browser) …
Professional-quality copy in your gig description … NO
3 images in Live Portfolio that are custom to this gig and not just pulled from the web … NO
Read the Fiverr Terms of Service …
Able to point the Buyer to Appropriate Resources to Minimize Miscommunication / Cancellations …
Able to Communicate Clearly with Buyers …

I ran your profile text through Grammarly and got this:

Hi All,
This Is MD.Kawser Islam Rana .
In “Digital Marketing” I Stay last Few Years.
I Have Recently Turned It Into Helping Others Out. I have 3 years experience in other market places & Also Web Reasearch . Big or Small - I am here to deliver a difference to your sales and make you happy.

Reasearch => Research

I suggest your polish your English grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout.

Good luck,


Dear Kawser:

I suggest you simplify your name to something Buyers would be comfortable calling you.

I took a quick look at your profile:

Run down the Improve My Gig Checklist ( 'http://forum.fiverr.com/t/improve-my-gig-checklist/84987` ). You’ve studied Fiverr Academy, listened to Fiverrcast or read the transcripts, studied the offerings on Fiverr in your niche, right?

If I started on this checklist for you…

Smiling in profile Image … NO

Professionally dressed in profile image … NO

Video in gigs … NO

YOU Appear in your video … NO


Optimum use of Key Words … NO

Polished English grammar, punctuation, and spelling (try the Grammarly extension for your browser) …

Professional-quality copy in your gig description … NO

3 images in Live Portfolio that are custom to this gig and not just pulled from the web … NO

Read the Fiverr Terms of Service …

Able to point the Buyer to Appropriate Resources to Minimize Miscommunication / Cancellations …

Able to Communicate Clearly with Buyers …

I ran your profile text through Grammarly and got this:

Hi All,

This Is MD.Kawser Islam Rana .

In “Digital Marketing” I Stay last Few Years.

I Have Recently Turned It Into Helping Others Out. I have 3 years experience in other market places & Also Web Reasearch . Big or Small - I am here to deliver a difference to your sales and make you happy.

Reasearch => Research

I suggest your polish your English grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout.

Good luck,


Hello @blaisefaint sir,

at Frist Take my respect.I really understand that what you are saying. Thanks for giving me valuable advice.

Thanks a million.



Then What About Mine? There are better impressions and views but i dnt get any new orders . just Sending Buyer Request and Got one two buyers . no New buyers Come at my Gig!


I understand bro . thx


Then What About Mine? There are better impressions and views but i dnt get any new orders . just Sending Buyer Request and Got one two buyers . no New buyers Come at my Gig!


There are better impressions and views but i dnt get any new orders . just Sending Buyer Request and Got one two buyers . no New buyers Come at my Gig!

Perhaps you need to write better seller responses to the Buyer Requests. Those responses are your way to convince the buyers that you can solve their problems. If you keep sending responses, and buyers don’t contact you or place orders, then the problem might be your responses, and not the buyers themselves. Wow the buyer. Make it easy for him/her to choose you.


There are better impressions and views but i dnt get any new orders . just Sending Buyer Request and Got one two buyers . no New buyers Come at my Gig!

Perhaps you need to write better seller responses to the Buyer Requests. Those responses are your way to convince the buyers that you can solve their problems. If you keep sending responses, and buyers don’t contact you or place orders, then the problem might be your responses, and not the buyers themselves. Wow the buyer. Make it easy for him/her to choose you.

Those responses are your way to convince the buyers that you can solve their problems.

I do this! and i got orders from him/her i send 10 Request per day maybe i got one or two per day. or may be not.

but i’m just got level to badge. when i was in level one i thought level two Seller dosen’t need to send buyer req they got their orders Without sending buyer request! .

i seen my one gig on search page about 6-7 days ago, When i seen it i get 2 orders Without sending buyer request! but in this Week i didnt get any from new! just doing my Old Buyers Works.

Now i had Another problem. in September i need to go another city for Important Work. i was thinking to do my profile vacation Mood. but i seen some posts they says when you come back from vacation and do on the vac mood you dnt get any orders your all impressions and clicks and views wr down. and you need to start from new. now i’m scared .

i dnt know what i need to do.

anyway sir, thanks.


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