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What should I do?


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Hi guys,

I’ve been offering some creative writing gigs, but its hard to get buyers when you can’t show them proof that you are a great writer i.e (I can’t promote myself with links to my work). I was just trying to see if you guys had any suggestions as to what to do or should I just be more patient. I put a gig up that had over 190K impressions, but still no luck on gigs. I make videos, leave pictures, and I feel I present very well. I’m new to fiverr though, not even a month in so maybe it will just take time. If you have any suggestions or critiques I would greatly appreciate it.

Have a great day!

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I had the same problem, it took patience, but one thing I did do is specialize, in a particular niche. To many SEO writers, on the Internet in general, so it is hard to stand out.

I always tell anyone that asks for samples is that everything I have written is owned now by someone else. I don’t have “spares” , and I have no right to give out samples of work someone else owns.

I found I was answering too many question on whether I could do this, write about that and then never heard back, so I decided to write in an area I had knowledge of. I write in a very specialize area and I am staying busy.

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Hey I checked out your gigs…pretty cool…how about showing urself ryming about you and fiverr. I see that you say the link to go check out…it might be good to also have it typed out in the description so that people dont have to write down what your saying. Even have the link on visually on the video.

I would personally like to see your creativity by using ur skills to make a rhyme about you and then include the Fiverr tag. Just a thought.



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At a quick glance I would say the main issue you’re facing at the moment is your 0% feedback rating. You need to get this up before people take notice of your gigs.

If you’ve delivered previous orders contact the buyers and ask them how their experience was and could you make it any better. Explain you’re trying to build your business on fiverr and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Always over deliver on your gigs. Buyers love that added extra and will return the favour in the feedback they leave.

Promoting your gig outside of fiverr is a must, start by promoting on social networks, forums, guest posts, email marketing etc. Once you receive initial orders with feedback it’s a snowball affect from there.

Good luck with you sales.

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I’ve seen other gigs where the seller somehow embedded a file link at the end of their description that said it would let anyone download a sample of the seller’s writing. Don’t know the specifics on this though, and if you do this it should not be something you sold to another customer if that customer bought all rights.

Two other, simpler ways to share samples:

  1. Tell anyone interested in seeing your samples to message you through Fiverr, then send them a .pdf file showing examples of your work in various styles. You could probably work up a 4 to 6 page file that shows a lot of variety of styles and genres, fiction and non-fiction. Again, only include original writing that you did not sell rights too, and indicate that it is a sales/promotional sample only and that you retain all rights to that material.

  2. Some sellers just add a short writing sample to their gig listing. Here is a random link to one that does that - http://fiverr.com/mdeedivine/write-an-original-love-poem-or-wedding-vows (Although this one would benefit from better formatting to make the sample stand out.)
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