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Back from Comic Con, back to work


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So I had a great nerdy time at San Diego Comic Con,
right now I’m slooooooowly recovering from con-withdrawal…it’s a slow and
painful process I must say.

Surprisingly I got only 2 messages while I was on vacation mode, but as soon as I
reactivated my gigs I got orders…which I AM very grateful for, don’t get me wrong…

it’s…it’s just that…I…you know…

*mind flies away back to San Diego, will return in a bit *

…OK, back to work.

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What was your favorite thing about Comic Con this year? 🙂

Dang, that’s a hard question…

I saw a lot of great ( and hilarious) cosplays,

I was able to hang out with zombies at the Walking Dead booth,

I enjoyed a nerdy talk with my nerd friends,

I don’t usually cosplay but I did wear my kimono with a snoopy and pikachu obi (I can’t sew but I bribed my mother into sewing one for me by buying her an expensive lunch at her favorite place) and I got a lot of attention for that, that was nice.

I got a free T-shirt for my friend (it looks silly but I’m sure he won’t mind), I did manage to get a nice hotel etc etc etc…

Hahaha, sorry I can’t narrow it down!

That’s me just nerding out at the TWD booth.

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