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A new member on Fiverr and think I have a stalker!

Guest vipmediaservice

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Guest vipmediaservice

Hi everyone,

I’m a new seller on Fivver and truly believe I am being stalked by someone who keeps flagging my gigs.
Fivver are saying they have received a complaint from other users that I am violating third party rights and despite my first order being delivered successfully, and the Fiverr team assuring me everything was okay, I get my ad removed with this complaint and it’s happened three times now.
My gig basically explain that I will do a shout out to my VIP subscriber list about someone’s social media page/post and my subscriber list will more than likely drive traffic to their pages/post (like anyone else who is promoting traffic to peoples pages/websites etc)- I’ve delivered this twice on Fiverr with excellent results!

So the questions are this?

  1. How do I deal with this issue, even though I am not violating any third party terms and conditions.
    2.What happens to the $30 I have earned through these gigs now that my buyers cannot leave a review even though I have delivered the gig and spent MY time and money in doing so (doing the blast/using my email provider requires my time=money)
    3.Who the hell is reporting me every time!
  2. Or is this a scam where every time I deliver a gig, it gets flagged and I don’t get paid and lose money instead?

Can someone help me please!


What did Fiverr say was claimed to be violating 3rd party rights? Was it the ad or something else?
What type of ad was it and where was the ad (or do you mean a gig info video or something)? Was it anything to do with the profile picture? You can check your earnings by selecting “Selling->Earnings” to see details of them and when any will be cleared for payment.

Guest vipmediaservice

This is whtat they sent me-
“We appreciate you taking the time to create/update your Gig boost your facebook post. Unfortunately we had to remove your Gig.
The reason is:
Your Gig has been flagged by our team following a third party complaint claiming your Gig is infringing upon their intellectual property rights and/or violating their terms of use. As a valued member of the Fiverr community, we ask you to respect the broader Internet community and refrain from such violations in your Gig offerings as this is misleading to our buyers.”

Guest vipmediaservice

Thanks for replying uk1000 🙂

Guest zoedesigns

This is whtat they sent me-

“We appreciate you taking the time to create/update your Gig boost your facebook post. Unfortunately we had to remove your Gig.

The reason is:

Your Gig has been flagged by our team following a third party complaint claiming your Gig is infringing upon their intellectual property rights and/or violating their terms of use. As a valued member of the Fiverr community, we ask you to respect the broader Internet community and refrain from such violations in your Gig offerings as this is misleading to our buyers.”

That could mean you used their image for your gig and they don’t want you to use it.

Guest vipmediaservice

That could mean you used their image for your gig and they don’t want you to use it.

Thanks zoedesigns! I thought that too, but loads of sellers are marketing the logos on their gigs and thought that was okay 😦

Guest zoedesigns

Thanks zoedesigns! I thought that too, but loads of sellers are marketing the logos on their gigs and thought that was okay 😦

Try making the gig again and making the images all yourself and not using any images from elsewhere? If it happens again you can explain all the images are yours to Fiverr

Hope this helps

Guest vipmediaservice

I’m trying that right now - Thanks again you guys for the reply! Your support is awesome!😍

Guest zoedesigns

I’m trying that right now - Thanks again you guys for the reply! Your support is awesome!😍 Let us know how it goes

Guest vipmediaservice

Your welcome 🙂 Let us know how it goes

I will - thanks again!


Try reading the Fiverr Terms of Service.

You may have raised a red flag with someone by appropriating an image of Countess Claire, who is simply one of the most amazing women of all time!

I cannot even tell you about all the amazing things Countess Claire has done, because she is just that awesome.

You may have heard about the little girl who broke into tears at the San Diego Comic Con on the weekend of July 23, because she was just so happy to meet Gal Gadot, who portrays Wonder Woman in the movies.

Well little girls and grown women all around the world break into tears all the time without even meeting Countess Claire, because Countess Claire is the Queen Bee.

Now that you’ve angered Queen Bee Countess Claire, it’s hopeless for you, because all her mighty drones will be watching you and every gig you create, and when they feel they can tell the Fiverr Trust and Safety Team that you may be violating the Fiverr Terms of Service, they will rat you out in a heartbeat!

You think you have only 1 stalker! No doubt the Queen Bee Countess Claire Legion of Drones is uncountable, like grains of sand on a beach!

I suggest you do things like read the Fiverr Terms of Service, and read Fiverr Academy, and listen to Fiverrcast, and then make sure to use your actual photo of you, or purchase an icon to which you own the rights, then make sure to abide by the Fiverr Terms of Service when you create your gigs:

favicon.icoFiverr.com fiverr-logo-new-green-9e65bddddfd33dfcf7e06fc1e51a5bc5.png

Fiverr's Terms of Service

One marketplace, millions of professional services. Browse. Buy. Done.

Gigs created on Fiverr are User Generated Content.
Gigs may be removed by Fiverr for violations to these Terms of Service, which may include (but are not limited to) the following violations and/or materials:
Illegal or Fraudulent services
Copyright Infringement, Trademark Infringement, and violation of a third party’s terms of service reported through our Intellectual Property Claims Policy found here
Adult oriented services, Pornographic, Inappropriate/Obscene
Intentional copies of Gigs
Spam, Nonsense, or Violent Gigs
Gigs misleading to buyers
Reselling of regulated goods
Services that extend beyond 30 days of service duration


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