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Muy mala experiencia con un fiverr - bad experience -> ***************


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😡 Muy disgustado con los de *********. Pedi un logo. Parece que lo obtuvieron de muchas páginas en la web y solo le pusieron mi nombre. Obvio los califiqué muy bajo.

Ellos me pidieron una 2a oportunidad y cambié su rating.

Ya no me contestan, por tanto, pediré a fiverr, que nuevamente cambien mi opinión y ponerles lo que realmente merecen, o sea, 0 estrellas y para que nunca los contacten a los de *********.


Saludos amigos y cuidado con ***********.

Very upset with those of ****** . I asked for a logo. It seems that they got it from many pages on the web and just gave me my name. Obviously I rated them very low.

They asked me for a 2nd chance and I changed their rating.

No longer answer me, therefore, I will ask fiverr, again change my opinion and give them what they really deserve, that is, 0 stars and so that they never contact the ************.


Greetings friends and care with **********.

Look the conversation --> [Mod Note: Link remove]


Mod Note: It is against forum rules to name users on the forum in this way. Please direct any complaints to http://support.fiverr.com

Guest rashed_rana99

good post thanks for sharing


Seems like the user knew what they were doing by asking you to change the rating and then not doing anything else.

Why did you change their rating before they sent an improvement?

They told me that in order to be able to do a new job, the rating had to be modified, so that they were assigned the new work order.

Sorry for mentioning the seller, but I was very upset.


They told me that in order to be able to do a new job, the rating had to be modified, so that they were assigned the new work order.

Sorry for mentioning the seller, but I was very upset.

Please report what they said to customer support.

That type of misleading the client is completely wrong and customer support might decide to take action against them and/or refund your money because of it.


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