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Would uploading a video really help in increasing sales?


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Heyy Fiverr,

We have just started up on Fiverr, We really find it to be an amazing place to showcase your talent and earn money at the same time. Fiverr just made us love our hobby even more, Now everyday is more interesting checking out new ways to promote our gigs, and stuff like that. The problem is we are kind of stuck up on the video part. Would adding a video really help in increasing our sales ?

Cheers and All the Best !!



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I believe it would definitely help showcase your gig a lot better.

Personally, when I look for gigs to buy, I find that I often click the “With Video” section, which means only gigs that have videos will show up.

If nothing else, it definitely helps with exposure. =]

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Reply to @musiclover: However, if they were interested, it could definitely set that gig apart from the others offering the same or similar service. The video could also create interest. I’ve had many buyers tell me that they didn’t have the intention of buying anything at first until they saw my videos. =]

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Guest chikaonyenezi

Yes it will, but I haven’t done that myself though. My gig is selling very well, but I hope to do that in future.

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Guest marsch001

I think it depends on what you do, and if that is going to help you sell more. For instance, I do translations - how would I present that in a video that I can do myself? Just talk about it?

Although actually, I probably could do, come to think of it. For one thing, if buyers check the “with video” gigs, and yours is the only one, or one of the few, in that search to have video, you will be noticed more, which would hopefully mean more sales and better exposure in general.

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haappytohelp said: Would it be ok if we remain anonymous and the customers don't see us ??


Of course, it's ok! Assuming you're talking about the water droplet gigs, you could think about filming the process of how you get your pictures (kind of like many of the stop motion gigs), do a slideshow video of examples you've done in the past, inform your viewers about gig extras or other information.


The video doesn't have to be complex. For example, take a look at this one:



I spent a grand total of 5 minutes max on that one using iMovie. Put a background song on it, some fun pics, add "Exclusively on Fiverr.com" somewhere in there and bam! There's your video. xD


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Reply to @rinchan86: Thanks a ton for the reply and the time you took to even view our gigs, being a top rated seller that was awesome of you !! Fiverr is indeed a very friendly place !! Ya a stop motion video might just work. It wouldn’t hurt our chances to just try. We will give it a shot.

And your video, by the way, way too creative no wonder you are a top rated seller. Thanks again would definitely consider your advice. Cheers and all the best to you !!

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