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How to get more buyers?

Guest legosale009

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Guest legosale009

Hello, How to get more buyers?

I have been here for over a month and i only got 1 sale for 6 gigs i am online daily and waiting on fire but i think even if your gig was good the buyers will prefer the old sellers on Fiverr for many reasons, one of the reasons is new sellers gigs is stuck inside a deep search engine and it’s very hard to find it…

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Dear Lego:

Please be aware that most browsers allow potential Buyers to search your profile image. If you don’t come across as an actual person, people lose confidence in you.

Ditto for poor English, spelling, and grammar.

On a site like Fiverr, you should avoid politically charged images. For example, while many people may agree that the individual you flag as an idiot is in fact an idiot, there are still at least 63,000,000 idiots who will now not do business with you, because rightly or wrongly, they feel tarred with the same idiot brush.

It appears you would benefit from studying Fiverr Academy, Fiverrcast, and so on.

Good luck,

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Guest webdealspro

You should not get discouraged by the fact you are a new seller, and it is not always true buyers prefer old sellers. There are many people willing to give a chance to new sellers as well. Just be patient and try to optimize your gigs with the correct tags.

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