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My stat is good, but i don;t get any orders! Why?

Guest daniilshkuratov

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Guest daniilshkuratov

Hi there!

I have a problem: my stats are awesome and I dont get any orders! Why?
Here are my stats (all gigs summary):

IMPRESSIONS = 125 + 117 + 92 + 63 = 397
CLICKS = 15 + 8 +10 + 39 = 72
VIEWS = 15 + 8 + 14 + 49 = 76

(It’s only my 3rd day here)
And all the buyer’s requests are just self - promoting

So I’m really inneed of help with my gigs, any tips/tricks will be the best things, amd how can i get my first job will be the best of the best!

Hopefully somebody answer’s)


My stats are good too, but sometimes there just do not come any orders and at some other times they come on a daily basis. I got my first order after a week of being on fiverr and I got it through buyer’s requests but that was the only time I got a order from buyer’s requests but I would still say that you should use buyer’s requests to get your first sale because with your first rating you will get even more clicks.

My most successful gig has 8100 impressions, 297 clicks, 341 views and only 18 orders in the last 6 months.

Guest daniilshkuratov

My stats are good too, but sometimes there just do not come any orders and at some other times they come on a daily basis. I got my first order after a week of being on fiverr and I got it through buyer’s requests but that was the only time I got a order from buyer’s requests but I would still say that you should use buyer’s requests to get your first sale because with your first rating you will get even more clicks.

My most successful gig has 8100 impressions, 297 clicks, 341 views and only 18 orders in the last 6 months.

Thats cool, but as i said, on buyers requests are only self promouters


Send Buyers Request Daily their are a lot of Genuine peoples in the buyer request Section and Some of them are promoting their self. So use it will help you in getting some Views and may be orders.

Guest daniilshkuratov


Send Buyers Request Daily their are a lot of Genuine peoples in the buyer request Section and Some of them are promoting their self. So use it will help you in getting some Views and may be orders.

So i have to go to buying, send quotes and send em?


No, you should send offers to the buyers and ignore the self-promoting sellers. Only other sellers see them anyways.
If you want to get your first order, you have to look past the hordes of spammers in buyers request and send clear, professional responses to the buyers who need work done. That’s what worked for me at least 😛

Guest daniilshkuratov

No, you should send offers to the buyers and ignore the self-promoting sellers. Only other sellers see them anyways.

If you want to get your first order, you have to look past the hordes of spammers in buyers request and send clear, professional responses to the buyers who need work done. That’s what worked for me at least 😛

i asked about how to send


i asked about how to send

You didn’t ask that? Anyways, go to the buyers request section and when you finally find a buyer, hoover your mouse over their request. A green button should appear at the right that says “Send Offer,” and after that you know what to do 🙂

Guest daniilshkuratov

You didn’t ask that? Anyways, go to the buyers request section and when you finally find a buyer, hoover your mouse over their request. A green button should appear at the right that says “Send Offer,” and after that you know what to do 🙂

ok, thank a lot! Umm aren’t you a buyer maybe XD?


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