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Proficiency Based Testing


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I’m not big on taking tests especially ones that aren’t relevant to the work that will be done. One of the draws to fiverr is that tests aren’t mandatory in order to work. There are conversations taking place about implementing tests of sorts to gauge sellers’ abilities.

The first mention of implementing tests triggered a memory flash of all those tests taken in the past that did very little to show the type of skills a seller actually possessed. That said, some thought was given to the idea. A test may be a good idea but only if it is done and compiled properly.

For one thing it can’t be mandatory. Some will argue that it should be mandatory because it will boost credentials but if distributed in this manner inconveniences will occur. There are loads of sellers with a proven track record that won’t need these tests and forcing them to participate will cause some delivery delays.

Second, it can’t be Q&A. Questions and answers don’t really engage as they should; personal opinion. Though something along the lines of hands-on testing would be nice.

Hands-on testing will involve a small test project that the seller has to complete that is relevant to their gig(s). The who and how part of the hands-on project haven’t been fleshed out but was thinking along the lines of volunteer buyers and sellers. Just some ideas that stemmed from a separate forum post of which I didn’t want to hijack (again).


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