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SCANDALOUS bad quality of the sellers on fiverr. beware!

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I have buyed like 5 orders on Fiverr last week which Fiverr can check on my account and I am impressed how BAD are the sellers .They are providing services and gigs which they simply can not deliver., I warn everybody to be very careful. Most of them DO NOT DO ANYTHING and deliver the order without having worked a minute in your project. Then they try to answer back only when you make a request to an empty deliver or when you open a dispute in other to get your money for nothing. Fiverr will is going to = 0 if they don´t check the quaility of the sellers providing fake gigs, Too many scam sellers !!

Guest offlinehelpers

Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad experience or five.

Please make sure you speak to CS to get any refunds etc. sorted out - if sellers haven’t delivered what they promised, then you should of course be due a refund for each order.

Hopefully, if you report each of the bad sellers you’ve encountered, it’ll do the good sellers, and Fiverr as a whole, the world of good.

Good luck! 🙂


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