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A New Breed of gig - Fiverr sellers video gig!


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Hey folks

Originally I had planned to make this gig about 4 months ago, but as we managed to obtain a new office for the company my workload has been swamped, but things are improving now and I have finished the designs for a new gig aimed at fiverr sellers themselves that struggle to create or have a professional video for their own gig.

We all know gigs with video do a lot better than gigs without.

The idea first came to me february this year when I had a number of sellers ask me to make gig videos for them. After completion they all reported a good increase in sales.

So with that inspiration…

It’s my pleasure to present the fiverr sellers video gig!


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Not sure you will like my feedback but I would not buy it because your demo seem all over the place. For me, a video isn’t just about how it looks, but does it convey the message you want. There was so much going on in your demo, that I didn’t feel as if it got across the main thought of the message.

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Good point SEOHUT, we will offer a guarantee so to make sure fiverr will accept the video. If by some miracle 😉 they don’t. We will redo it.

Thanks Steveeyes for your feedback. We will look into changing our gig video. It’s difficult to do as there is a lot of information and limited time to fit it in. We hope our gig description makes up for any discrepencies.

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I like the idea but I did not like the video. The messages were a bit hard to read (too many images, sounds, and flashy things around) and they stayed on the screen for a short time (no one wants to speed-read through a video). Perhaps you can make it less busy and a little slower with larger fonts. 🙂

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You guys are right…

I’ll either see if I can slow it down enough without fiverr going crazy over video length.

or B. Redo the video completely.

Any suggestions on how best to communicate with other sellers what I can do for them.

I can make the video do either A. Show off my skills using a sales video similar to one on the gig.

or B. Put up a few different sample videos for other gigs.

What you guys think?

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