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Is it wrong to ask users to leave you a review?


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Occasionally I go back to my completed orders and message the users that didn’t leave me a review, asking them to leave one if they have time. I then tell them how to find the order and place a review.

But it never occurred to me to me that what I’m doing may be a bad practice until now. Does anyone else here do it? Is this against any rules?

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One time, I ordered a video gig from a man who dresses up in costume. I loved the video he sent, but was busy so I simply pressed the “thumbs-up” button but I did not actually write a review. Well, shortly after, he messaged me just to make sure everything was okay because he thought I might not have been satisfied.

He went out of his way to make sure everything was okay, and I really appreciated that. If you go about it that way, like sending them a message saying “Hello, I noticed you didn’t rate the order. Is everything okay?” that is completely appropriate. Perhaps they didn’t leave feedback the first time because they weren’t satisfied.

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Hmm… I have never asked for a review before… I always figured it was bad practice but you’re right, it sounds like it can be done in good taste. I know a lot of buyers are new to fiverr and don’t understand the formatting really well, so the lack of a review could simply be due to inexperience with the site.

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Reply to @kjblynx: I do that as well. I don’t beg for the review. I just add the right words to my delivery message. Honestly, I have enough good reviews to not stress about receiving new ones. I’m just at the point where I just want to get paid. But one time, a customer wanted a revision a few months later, so I told him I would waive the purchase of a new gig if he leave his feedback from the first order since he didn’t already do so. 🙂

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Guest marsch001

I try to add that when I send the actual file back over, but sometimes people don’t notice - I have one buyer who has bought a lot, here and there, but very rarely leaves a review/thumbs up, and then only when I remind them on that specific order. A lot of buyers have multiple buys, and they can’t keep track of it all, and in the end, we are the ones who “suffer” from no/few rates. I think most buyers are ok with being reminded of that, and the need that we have for reviews, so long as you do it in a kind way - I tend to explain just that, that rates are the only way I have to show my other potential buyers the work I provide (as I don’t have the live portfolio). And so long as you only remind/tell them once (twice is ok if they order a second gig and still don’t rate the first).

I tend to use the fact that I’m wondering if they are happy with the work, as usually if they don’t leave any sort of review they also don’t tell me directly, to “justify” my asking about it.

It would be easier if we could send those messages directly in the order though, even after it has been completed.

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If you include review instructions in your delivery message, then I think that is enough. Buyers know they have the option to leave a review even if you don’t suggest it. Some don’t want/like to. Some simply forget. Asking again (or asking after the order is marked as complete in 3 days) can be seen as more of an irritant than a reminder.

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