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My sales slowed Down after a successful Start


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I started Fiverr at the end of May, and I have all 5 star reviews and 100% positive ratings. My sales have reeaaallyy slowed down since the beginning of the month. I’m actually started to get pretty concerned.

Any tips for what I should do?

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Guest offlinehelpers

And here are some UPYOUR tips:
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In my recent poll, the following results occurred. 51% of us admitted "I do not do enough marketing" 30% of us know/believe "I do not show up in search results" Only 12% of us have "got an order from a client I brought to Fiverr myself" Only 10%...

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Guest lloydsolutions

You may not think so but you have made a great start. Some sellers take months to get their first order. Think you just need to be patient. Good luck! 🙂

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