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Buyers Request Denied (I'm primarily a Seller)


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I made 2 buyers request earlier today and within hours they were both went from “Pending” to “Unapproved”. Is this some fancy lingo for “Denied”?

I looked for rules about the requests and found none. They were both normal requests. One for social media promotion and another to help build a WordPress blog. Nothing illegal.

What gives?

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Fiveer is pretty bad at explaining things sometimes. Just a wild guess is that they saw certain keywords in your request that triggered a rejection. They seem to be dis-allowing more gigs on certain topics lately, so by extension, that same situation might apply as well to gig requests.

Anything to do with the Trade Name of another media info company, or an action such as “likes” or “data mining” might be enough to trigger and automated or human-screened response.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest johnroberts

i think fiverr is using keyword filter on certain words… like artemist said you might have used keywords that is not allowed by fiverr. But i think if you contact fiverr support they will be happy to look through your request. =)

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