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Gigs are being constantly shuffled around in the listings


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While I will not make up some conspiracy theories to explain it, this thing has been around for years, 3 for the least. When you refresh the search results page, the gig position changes. This change has a lower impact on the firs 3-4 rows but effects the lower ranking gig’s position by a huge margin.

I’ve been here a long time and never seen this happen before.

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I agree. Also for App something strange is happen. On iOS I have less results and in Android more results. This is when I made search but also when I go direct in category. It looks like they are making some updates… I saw somewhere that they are integrate Portfolio in some profiles. Each time they make updates my gigs search change.


Here are some of the replies I got from CS. Maybe it will help or you may find a clue that helps you.

We have read your request and would like to remind you that we’re unable to share more details about the algorithm and how it works, but it is meant to give everyone in our marketplace a chance to sell their Gigs.

We can tell you that many other Gigs can have a better performance than yours, even if they have less sales than you. This is part we can’t share, how performance is determined.

I can understand it’s frustrating when you work hard to keep getting more sales, but that’s the reality of any Marketplace and Fiverr can’t guarantee sales, we only provide a platform for you to offer your services safely.


Yes, stats are counted for the last 30 days and in some cases for the last 60 days. I’m sure that if you keep up the good work, results will inevitably come for you!


Hello Stevie,

Thank you for contacting us and bringing this to our attention. Everything is fine on your account as well with your gigs.

We cannot have an effect on buyer personal taste and what should they select.
I’d also like to mention that we only provide a marketplace for sellers and buyers to do business, and we can’t guarantee sales. We also can’t guarantee a Gig’s position in search.

We understand that you may feel let down by this, however, I have checked on your account and your Gigs are fine. Please understand that Fiverr is very dynamic and competitive and you may want to try refresh/adjust/edit your Gig periodically.

I can provide you with a couple of useful links to help you create a Gig that will get the attention of many buyers:


I would like to suggest to promote your Gigs on social media. By clicking on My sales >> My Gigs, on the Gig you would like to promote, you will find on the right side a drop down menu with the option “Share”.

We are here if you need any further assistance. We are happy to help in any way that we can.

Kind regards,


Thank your for reaching out to us. After being reviewed, your Gigs should be displaying correctly.

A Gig’s position in search is based on seller performance over a set time period (among other factors), it’s not a static position that’s sorted by descending order. There are many factors to take into consideration when it comes to your seller performance, such as order cancellations, delivery rate, responsiveness, etc.

If there’s a change at the top of the rankings, please be aware that it’s not permanent. There can be many other Gigs currently performing at a higher rate than yours, and that’s the reality of any marketplace. If other sellers are ranked higher than you by performing better than you (delivering early, getting 5 stars, communicating quickly) then it’s simply how the marketplace works. It helps it to grow and marginalizes competitive advantages/disadvantages for all sellers, so both new and old sellers can succeed.

I’d also like to mention that we only provide a marketplace for sellers and buyers to do business, and we can’t guarantee sales. We also can’t guarantee a Gig’s position in search. We advise you to manually advertise your Gig on the Internet, as this would help to make it more noticeable, and hopefully lead to getting more sales. You can start by promoting your Gig on your social networks using the buttons on your Gig page.

You’re also encouraged to do market research to help improve your Gig’s conversion rate. This may help you to discover and improve things about your Gig that might be causing a buyer to select another seller’s Gig instead. By doing enough market research to determine what to improve on, your sales will improve.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with buyers in the Buyer Requests section; this is a goldmine for sellers to obtain buyers and increase the popularity of their Gigs. Also, if you are not already participating in the Fiverr Forums, we recommend that you start! There’s plenty of opportunities to learn more about how to establish yourself on Fiverr, with the help from other seasoned sellers:

favicon.icoFiverr Forum default-apple-touch-icon.png

Tips for Sellers

This category is for posts with original tips for sellers to utilize. If you want to ask for tips, please use Improve my Gig.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Guest gamunu

Yes same thing happen to me sometimes my gig in fist result page sometimes. i cannot even find them maybe their new algorithm. also i see online sellers have a big advantage because fiverr has a filter for that


Here are some of the replies I got from CS. Maybe it will help or you may find a clue that helps you.

We have read your request and would like to remind you that we’re unable to share more details about the algorithm and how it works, but it is meant to give everyone in our marketplace a chance to sell their Gigs.

We can tell you that many other Gigs can have a better performance than yours, even if they have less sales than you. This is part we can’t share, how performance is determined.

I can understand it’s frustrating when you work hard to keep getting more sales, but that’s the reality of any Marketplace and Fiverr can’t guarantee sales, we only provide a platform for you to offer your services safely.


Yes, stats are counted for the last 30 days and in some cases for the last 60 days. I’m sure that if you keep up the good work, results will inevitably come for you!


Hello Stevie,

Thank you for contacting us and bringing this to our attention. Everything is fine on your account as well with your gigs.

We cannot have an effect on buyer personal taste and what should they select.

I’d also like to mention that we only provide a marketplace for sellers and buyers to do business, and we can’t guarantee sales. We also can’t guarantee a Gig’s position in search.

We understand that you may feel let down by this, however, I have checked on your account and your Gigs are fine. Please understand that Fiverr is very dynamic and competitive and you may want to try refresh/adjust/edit your Gig periodically.

I can provide you with a couple of useful links to help you create a Gig that will get the attention of many buyers:






I would like to suggest to promote your Gigs on social media. By clicking on My sales >> My Gigs, on the Gig you would like to promote, you will find on the right side a drop down menu with the option “Share”.

We are here if you need any further assistance. We are happy to help in any way that we can.

Kind regards,


Thank your for reaching out to us. After being reviewed, your Gigs should be displaying correctly.

A Gig’s position in search is based on seller performance over a set time period (among other factors), it’s not a static position that’s sorted by descending order. There are many factors to take into consideration when it comes to your seller performance, such as order cancellations, delivery rate, responsiveness, etc.

If there’s a change at the top of the rankings, please be aware that it’s not permanent. There can be many other Gigs currently performing at a higher rate than yours, and that’s the reality of any marketplace. If other sellers are ranked higher than you by performing better than you (delivering early, getting 5 stars, communicating quickly) then it’s simply how the marketplace works. It helps it to grow and marginalizes competitive advantages/disadvantages for all sellers, so both new and old sellers can succeed.

I’d also like to mention that we only provide a marketplace for sellers and buyers to do business, and we can’t guarantee sales. We also can’t guarantee a Gig’s position in search. We advise you to manually advertise your Gig on the Internet, as this would help to make it more noticeable, and hopefully lead to getting more sales. You can start by promoting your Gig on your social networks using the buttons on your Gig page.

You’re also encouraged to do market research to help improve your Gig’s conversion rate. This may help you to discover and improve things about your Gig that might be causing a buyer to select another seller’s Gig instead. By doing enough market research to determine what to improve on, your sales will improve.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with buyers in the Buyer Requests section; this is a goldmine for sellers to obtain buyers and increase the popularity of their Gigs. Also, if you are not already participating in the Fiverr Forums, we recommend that you start! There’s plenty of opportunities to learn more about how to establish yourself on Fiverr, with the help from other seasoned sellers:

favicon.icoFiverr Forum default-apple-touch-icon.png

Tips for Sellers

This category is for posts with original tips for sellers to utilize. If you want to ask for tips, please use Improve my Gig.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

We can tell you that many other Gigs can have a better performance than yours, even if they have less sales than you.

I was told this too and at the time there were two gigs in the top row for months that not only had terrible gigs as far as description, picture, and what was being offered, but for months never got even one new review.

Meanwhile my gig that got half a dozen $55 orders per day was moved to last place in the listings.


Yes you are correct.

I think, Someone from editors are doing manually shuffle few gigs on the top for show the others - “they do say : gigs are moving”

If you do see in the other non popular category like - you’ll found - there are no gigs shuffle in the search 😛

if “Algo–” do works properly - All category gigs do shuffle but that not happening 🙂

One more thing : I saw few gigs of Level1 seller. That is showing Pink Strip"FEATURED" that gigs are stuck in the TOP OF THE SEARCH PAGE.

I was really surprised, when they get featured - there was nothing Extremely unique thing or High Rating Review as fiverr defined criteria for featured 🙂 "It’s just “Question Mark”?

Guest striderzero

For so long as I have known, the gigs were shuffling when you search. But if the gig title is closer to the search query it appears more often.

Refreshing the page after searching for your own gigs might be counter-intuitive if they have a fixed number of impressions a gig can have in the first page.

Since we cannot know how the algorithm works, we can only conjecture.
But at the end of the day we can do nothing about this.


We can tell you that many other Gigs can have a better performance than yours, even if they have less sales than you.

I was told this too and at the time there were two gigs in the top row for months that not only had terrible gigs as far as description, picture, and what was being offered, but for months never got even one new review.

Meanwhile my gig that got half a dozen $55 orders per day was moved to last place in the listings.

One of the things I tried to point out to CS was that no way was a gig that had a total of 3 sales, been a member for 1 month, feedback rating less than 100% was out performing me. One excuse CS tries to use is we all need to promote our gigs. Actually I agree, but the question is, does it help. I have been promoting my gigs for 7 years and I still do (promotion is an ongoing ting). It is hard for me to believe a gig with 4 stars, been a member for one month is out promoting me. I even messaged one of them and asked what promotion they do off site and their answer was “zero”.


I love the replies from CS, they’re hilarious! All you have to do is click into a few gigs at the top and check out their reviews this month to note a lack of performance in the gigs listed at the top.

Also, would it work on percentage? If a seller gets one sale this month, gets a 5 star review and zero cancellations, would that put him ahead of me if I were to get 150 5-star reviews, 2 4-star reviews and a few cancellations from the clients that refuse to read the description?



Let’s list all the things you can do to help your gig.

  1. Tags – This is the latest trend. There really isn’t much science to it. You have the option to put in 5 tags that relate to your gig. I call these tags keywords. If your gig is about whiteboard animation, obviously one of your tags should be whiteboard animation and so on. Another term used in the SEO world is Primary Keyword. This simply means the top searchable term that is related to your gig. In my case, it is whiteboard animation.

  2. Title. - Your gig title has some SEO value. Most will put their primary keyword in their title. In my case I include the keywords whiteboard animation

  3. Gig Description - Same as your gig title, you need to include your keywords in your gig description. If there is any science in this area it is how many times you include your keyword and where do you include it. In google, spamming your keywords hurt you, I’m sure it could hurt you if you did the same on Fiverr. The Where is not as easy to figure out but in most cases having your keywords somewhere at the beginning of your gig description is recommended.

  4. The Standards - We all heard these before. Response Rate, Ratings, No late Delivery, Cancellations, etc, can hurt your ranking on Fiverr.

  5. Promotion - I’m not so sure that promoting your gig will help you in your ranking. It may help you get more customers simply because if they find your promotion and click it, they may buy your gig. But as far as helping your gig ranking, I don’t think it does. There is no backlink promotion in Fiverr. A link to your gig helps only if someone clicks it, but in the traditional google way where a link with your keyword in it helps your ranking on that keyword, it doesn’t on fiverr.

Did I miss anything above?

I’m sure for all of you that are getting customers you will say that the above seems to be working. TO BE HONEST, I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING LISTED ABOVE. The problem is when you do all of the above and things are still not working out, then what?

It can especially be frustrating if you do all of the above, and someone else does very little of it yet is being awarded by ranking their gig higher than yours for your primary keyword, you may want to throw up your arms and say “oh well, what else can I do”

Last thought or question. Do you trust Fiverr stats? If things like Response Rate count towards your gig ranking, then they need to be 100% accurate. In my case, they are not. Another frustration we have to deal with.

If the accuracy of STATS are any indication of how accurate Fiverr’s algorithm is, we are in trouble Houston.


Let’s list all the things you can do to help your gig.

  1. Tags – This is the latest trend. There really isn’t much science to it. You have the option to put in 5 tags that relate to your gig. I call these tags keywords. If your gig is about whiteboard animation, obviously one of your tags should be whiteboard animation and so on. Another term used in the SEO world is Primary Keyword. This simply means the top searchable term that is related to your gig. In my case, it is whiteboard animation.

  2. Title. - Your gig title has some SEO value. Most will put their primary keyword in their title. In my case I include the keywords whiteboard animation

  3. Gig Description - Same as your gig title, you need to include your keywords in your gig description. If there is any science in this area it is how many times you include your keyword and where do you include it. In google, spamming your keywords hurt you, I’m sure it could hurt you if you did the same on Fiverr. The Where is not as easy to figure out but in most cases having your keywords somewhere at the beginning of your gig description is recommended.

  4. The Standards - We all heard these before. Response Rate, Ratings, No late Delivery, Cancellations, etc, can hurt your ranking on Fiverr.

  5. Promotion - I’m not so sure that promoting your gig will help you in your ranking. It may help you get more customers simply because if they find your promotion and click it, they may buy your gig. But as far as helping your gig ranking, I don’t think it does. There is no backlink promotion in Fiverr. A link to your gig helps only if someone clicks it, but in the traditional google way where a link with your keyword in it helps your ranking on that keyword, it doesn’t on fiverr.

Did I miss anything above?

I’m sure for all of you that are getting customers you will say that the above seems to be working. TO BE HONEST, I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING LISTED ABOVE. The problem is when you do all of the above and things are still not working out, then what?

It can especially be frustrating if you do all of the above, and someone else does very little of it yet is being awarded by ranking their gig higher than yours for your primary keyword, you may want to throw up your arms and say “oh well, what else can I do”

Last thought or question. Do you trust Fiverr stats? If things like Response Rate count towards your gig ranking, then they need to be 100% accurate. In my case, they are not. Another frustration we have to deal with.

If the accuracy of STATS are any indication of how accurate Fiverr’s algorithm is, we are in trouble Houston.

I’ve been looking at tags, title and keywords in the gigs on the top rows in my section.

I don’t see a consistent pattern to any of them.

I don’t see high value gigs there either.

I had one gig that was doing an amazing amount of sales for a month go to the top row but as soon as it slowed down slightly for about two days the gig was removed from the top.


I’ve been looking at tags, title and keywords in the gigs on the top rows in my section.

I don’t see a consistent pattern to any of them.

I don’t see high value gigs there either.

I had one gig that was doing an amazing amount of sales for a month go to the top row but as soon as it slowed down slightly for about two days the gig was removed from the top.

I had one gig that was doing an amazing amount of sales for a month go to the top row but as soon as it slowed down slightly for about two days the gig was removed from the top.

That could be a ranking factor but the problem is, if your gig is not ranked to compete with other gigs, then you will never get the sales needed to rank well.

I also looked at some of the gigs ranked high for the last time they delivered a gig and saw for many that it had been days so not sure if it applies or not.


Yes you are correct.

As far the relevance tab is concerned gigs do shuffle but not as much , i have also experienced it but just from 1 to 3rd line but i didn’t experience any shuffle between pages but as far as avg customer review tab is concerned then the gig position remains there as far as anything unusual happens .

From my experience i have learnt certain things that may place your gig on top and also experience these in practical . I had my gig in top line both in relevance and avg customer review tab but one time it came down in relevance tab but by applying certain things i succeed in taking back my first position ,it is again in 3rd line now but i hope i will get back my position again , like:

  • Your positive rating
  • In review if buyer gives you blank review or type something in review , this also matters
  • Most importantly review and time comparison .e.g. @steveeyes one account has 250 reviews but with time gaps like days of gap and one account with 50 reviews with hours of gap than 50 review account will be on top even if it has 4 stars but its order getting rate is higher so you can’t decide gig position with number of reviews only.
  • The time you response on very first message .
  • @misscrystal yes number of gig fav do effect your place
  • More number of clicks and views also have slight effect on it but not as much but may be in long run.
  • Your early deliver time . Early deliver time didn’t mean 24 hrs time which is already deliver time . Early deliver time means deliver in say 5 hrs if your gig time is 24 hrs so it also matters.
  • I have also heard that fiverr has a team that intentionally boast up certain gigs other then featured one or top rate gigs.
  • Your Order completion rate has prominent effect on your gig position so try not to cancel any order.

These are certain thing i have learnt after a lot of search and experience but fiverr is again changing its algorithm , may be fiverr set these things same and add some new.

Regards .


I had one gig that was doing an amazing amount of sales for a month go to the top row but as soon as it slowed down slightly for about two days the gig was removed from the top.

That could be a ranking factor but the problem is, if your gig is not ranked to compete with other gigs, then you will never get the sales needed to rank well.

I also looked at some of the gigs ranked high for the last time they delivered a gig and saw for many that it had been days so not sure if it applies or not.

There is difference between the gig position and gig presence in certain category .

Search tags / SEO / Title:

These are only for your presence in certain category or search tag e.g. animated video is category so you need to add just video word in your title and animation, video in your search tag to find your gig in this category . Title only need a word from that category .

Once found then the next task to take first position in this category so make it clear that these two are different things 🙂



However a few select gigs sit on that top row all the time without changing or simply jump from the top row to the second row and jump around just on the top two rows. From looking at when they get reviews it does not look like they are doing a lot of business either.

However a few select gigs sit on that top row all the time without changing or simply jump from the top row to the second row and jump around just on the top two rows. From looking at when they get reviews it does not look like they are doing a lot of business either.

Fiverr seems to have implemented ‘weighted shuffling’ a couple of months back. I thought this is common knowledge and fairly well known on the forum. 😕

What this means is that previously Gigs were ranked and displayed in the same order and positions changed only when the ranking is changed. But now they add a bit of randomness to rankings whenever the Gigs are displayed. I guess this was done to give opportunity to more people at the loss of visibility to established sellers.

The top row gigs might just have rankings so high (for whatever reason) that randomness doesn’t effect them. Just a theory.


Talking about randomness and the importance of tags - I played a bit with mine and noticed that, once saved, they showed up neither in the order I, consciously, put them in, nor alphabetically.
They got shuffled around like in the lottery drum, to pick up Miss Crystal’s image.


There is difference between the gig position and gig presence in certain category .

Search tags / SEO / Title:

These are only for your presence in certain category or search tag e.g. animated video is category so you need to add just video word in your title and animation, video in your search tag to find your gig in this category . Title only need a word from that category .

Once found then the next task to take first position in this category so make it clear that these two are different things 🙂


There is difference between the gig position and gig presence in certain category .

Search tags / SEO / Title:

These are only for your presence in certain category or search tag e.g. animated video is category so you need to add just video word in your title and animation, video in your search tag to find your gig in this category . Title only need a word from that category .

Once found then the next task to take first position in this category so make it clear that these two are different things 🙂


I think there is some wisdom in your post but what you said is not quite clear or understood


There is difference between the gig position and gig presence in certain category .

Search tags / SEO / Title:

These are only for your presence in certain category or search tag e.g. animated video is category so you need to add just video word in your title and animation, video in your search tag to find your gig in this category . Title only need a word from that category .

Once found then the next task to take first position in this category so make it clear that these two are different things 🙂


I think there is some wisdom in your post but what you said is not quite clear or understood

This is simple thing ,I don’t think so that i m explaining any technical thing 😕


As far the relevance tab is concerned gigs do shuffle but not as much , i have also experienced it but just from 1 to 3rd line but i didn’t experience any shuffle between pages but as far as avg customer review tab is concerned then the gig position remains there as far as anything unusual happens .

From my experience i have learnt certain things that may place your gig on top and also experience these in practical . I had my gig in top line both in relevance and avg customer review tab but one time it came down in relevance tab but by applying certain things i succeed in taking back my first position ,it is again in 3rd line now but i hope i will get back my position again , like:

  • Your positive rating
  • In review if buyer gives you blank review or type something in review , this also matters
  • Most importantly review and time comparison .e.g. @steveeyes one account has 250 reviews but with time gaps like days of gap and one account with 50 reviews with hours of gap than 50 review account will be on top even if it has 4 stars but its order getting rate is higher so you can’t decide gig position with number of reviews only.
  • The time you response on very first message .
  • @misscrystal yes number of gig fav do effect your place
  • More number of clicks and views also have slight effect on it but not as much but may be in long run.
  • Your early deliver time . Early deliver time didn’t mean 24 hrs time which is already deliver time . Early deliver time means deliver in say 5 hrs if your gig time is 24 hrs so it also matters.
  • I have also heard that fiverr has a team that intentionally boast up certain gigs other then featured one or top rate gigs.
  • Your Order completion rate has prominent effect on your gig position so try not to cancel any order.

These are certain thing i have learnt after a lot of search and experience but fiverr is again changing its algorithm , may be fiverr set these things same and add some new.

Regards .

So my gigs should be on the first row if all this is true and they are not.


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