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Fiverr wont allow you to sell software


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I’m kind of upset this is my second gig I try to sell on fiverr and gets denied . These softwares have been 100% created by myself and I can prove it . The first was an “ARTICLE SPINNER” software for 5 bucks , it did not do illegal things, it did not violate fiverrs policies , it did not violate any person or company policies, then I created another software it was a “KEYWORD SCRAPER” I got this :

"Your gig potentially violates 3rd party copyrights or trademarks"

Same thing : it did not do illegal things, it did not violate fiverrs policies , it did not violate any person or company policies. NOTHING 0 .

At the beginning I created them exclusivelly for fiverr. But after this , I’m thinking selling them in other places , I feel disappointed about selling my programs here. I hope someday they can fix that.

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ronald2000 said: "Your gig potentially violates 3rd party copyrights or trademarks"


You are chosing to ignore the terminology Fiverr is using in the message they sent you. Currently Fiverr seems to be using the standard that they are denying new gigs that even potentially violate the protected rights of other companies. They are not making a legal case against you, just protecting themselves by avoiding potential problems. You can try to appeal to them, but that would require them to take valuable time and energy -- probably more than they would get back in profits from letting you sell the potentially problematic software here.


(Also note that due to nature of the software you are trying to sell, Fiverr might have at least two possible areas of concern. Fiverr might either be un-convinced that you are actually the sole author/owner/creator of it, or they might also have doubts about the funtions done by the software and whether it facilitates illegal or TOS-violating activities either at Fiverr or elsewhere. Two very big questions, and only your personal assurance to counter those.)


This looks more like a simple cost/benefit situation for Fiverr than a personal attack on your "rights". It is easier and cheaper for them to deny potentially troublesome gigs than to let them go active and face future problems. Maybe it will change someday, but don't say they have "no reason". They have a good reason, you just don't like it.

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Guest cust0mcr3ationz

Maybe you can suggest where to get it or mention the name. sending the file maybe something you can’t do…unless you possibly do it by a zip folder. But, you could offer the suggested software by PDF. Seriously, there is ways around it without Violating TOS. As long as it’s not pirated stuff like photoshop.

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