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Customer Service Care - My Tips For you


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Hello Sellers,

Many of you would have been fretting about the slow sales and Fiverr V2 lately. I agree that the change Fiverr has brought about saw some issues and I bet they are working on it now especially on search engine system. While they do their part, all we can do from our side is to ensure that our gig description is up to date and you promote it outside Fiverr. Apart from that, I would like to share my experience here being on Fiverr for about less than three months now. Customer Service and Quality are the two main thing you have to bear on mind when it comes to sales. I have been surviving now even when there are days without orders through my repeating customers because they know it is easier to work with someone who could make the whole thing easier to deal with. Always:

  1. Be clear and respond as fast as you can. Tell them exactly what will you do for them and what you won’t
  2. Offer some advice and suggestion if they don’t mind
  3. Make sure your work is good and that’s when they will get back to you for more work

    It is not about the price of the service you offer, it is about the quality and service. If you can take care of these two, they will come back to you even of your rate is slightly higher than the rest. Most importantly, make use of your extras on gig when you level up and offer sales in package. 🙂 Level 2 has been a blessing so far.

    Happy selling people !
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Wow, I’m impressed! 3 months and you are at level 2. I have a few more orders to finally reach level two.

I will be telling the buyers of my ebook marketing extra about your book trailer gig, love what you’ve done on your examples. 🙂

Thanks for sharing about your fiverr experience, I agree that good customer service is the best way to get repeat orders.

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Reply to @kaitomono: Thank you so much and yes the V2 has delayed the level 2 promotion a bit but nevertheless it is fine. I am not doing book covers, and yes an evaluation for e-book would be good for them and I shall be telling my buyers about yours as well 🙂

thanks for the feedback and support

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I wanna add this bit of Customer Service Experience here:

There’s a saying that I hear a lot, and it rings true on Fiverr.

“Give them the Pickle.”.

There’s a story that goes with the saying. You can read it in detail here: http://www.giveemthepickle.com/pickle_principle.htm , but I’ll summarize it here:

A Man goes to a restaurant 3 times a week and orders a burger and a milkshake, and asks for 1 extra slice of pickle on the side. There’s no issues with this, he gets it with no issues. Well one day we walks in and there’s a new cashier. He asks for his Burger and Milkshake and slice of pickle. The Cashier speaks up. “A Side of Pickles is $1.25.” she says. Now, the man doesn’t want a side of pickles, he wants his single slice. So he tells her that he wants it, he gets it without issue and to even go ask the manager. She does so. She comes back and goes. “I will sell you the pickle for 5 cents.”. Needless to say, this upsets the customer and he never returns, a customer lost because of /1/ slice of pickle.

When the manager found out, he had sent the man a coupon for a free meal, and also apologized, saying that’s not how they run a business. The phrase 'Give ‘em the Pickle!’ began to be slung around the restaurant for ‘making the customer happy, and fixing your mistakes, no matter the cost’.

Recently. a man ordered 4 avatars off my gig. I did em. But he also had a 5th request that he said, he would pay me extra for IF I could do it for him. That of a Full Body Avatar. This is not my usual thing, it’s not my specialty. But you know what? I did his initial set of avatars really quick, and had the time, that I did that I attempted the 5th request and added it complimentary.

Did I have to? Hell no. But I ‘gave him the pickle.’ and you know what? He was pretty damn happy, and will most likely either come back for more work from me, or tell others about me.

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