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Costumer is always right! Are they?


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I have this buyer, I already delivered my order. He did not rate the gig yet and then he’s starting to point out things that is not part of our deal(I have to deal with him like forever). I have to do what he wanted coz I’m afraid to get a low rating. So then he rated the gig. But again he bought another gig without consulting and again pointing things. He want this and that. I feel like being used. I just wish this order will end and this person will just disappear FOREVER.

You know that feeling like GRrrrrrrrrr… Cursing… cursing… cursing…

I just hope we can choose to block or just disapprove any incoming order.

I know someone out there has the same story.

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arjayberg to an extent of CLEAR abuse from a buyer, CS won’t remove the bad ratings. From my experience Yes. Customers are always right. If you don’t want to work with him anymore, comply to hes demands and next time he orders just cancel the order telling him you don’t want to work with him anymore, if he gives you a bad rating over that you can go to CS with a strong case.

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Reply to @radugeorgescu: I agree to a certain extent. For instance, What if the buyer is saying something is wrong and nothing isn’t? And if they keep ordering gigs from you can you can’t block it, then you have to keep nuking (Cancelling the order) which will then harm your cancellation ratio and could hurt sales and drop you levels.

I am now dealing with a buyer who purchased my gig which is a business card template. All I do is change the persons information. After getting the card, He then states that it is not what is advertised although the main image is the same exact file that was used for him. So how can it not be? I then even decided to send him a mutual cancellation order that way he could have his money back. ( I didn’t want to nuke the order as that would harm my cancellation ratio) Instead of taking the refund, he gives me a negative review with harsh comments. Then threatens me in the inbox and says he won’t remove it, and is going to send more of his friends to purchase the gig and give me a negative feedback, said he was going to contact the FBI, and a lot of other harsh things when all i was doing was being polite.

If a buyer wants to harm a reputable seller, there is nothing the seller can do is there are so many ways they can do so. And the buyer who did this to me has a 22% cancellation ratio. You can see the whole convo of what was said here: http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/12675/i-am-being-held-hostage#Item_1

I know it’s not the same situation as arjayberg, but the buyer should not always be right. I just hope that customer support helps me out with this.

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Reply to @est1990: wow 🙂 I never had that. Have you tried contacting customer support about this ? There are some …crazy buyers but it is mostly isolated cases.

Also if you want I can help you with this (send me the .ai files for it and ill make the .psd free) and after that you can apologise to him and talk nicely. Trust me even if the customer isn’t right from a logical point of view, they are in their vision and since they have the power to mess with your ratings the best way to go about it is be humble 😑

But just in case try contacting CS on this matter. It looks to me like a clear abuse case.

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  • 11 months later...

From the buyer’s point of view, it’s completely opposite. I ordered a gig and in the advertisement I had a paragraph and a line that could be copied and pasted. In the first paragraph I clearly explained that I wanted “XXX” in the ad to be replaced with someone’s name. I did this on the off-chance that the seller had people that he actually knew read these ads.

Rather than reading it, there were two different sellers who just skipped the paragraph, skimmed to the line and posted the ad with XXX as the name, which made no sense. I asked the first one to correct and she did…gave her five stars and great comments. The second one wouldn’t respond to me for the first two days and I was trying to resolve outside of the resolution center link, which I had never clicked on that useless link before.

I get a message saying that at the three-day point if I don’t rate it it will be marked as completed automatically so I went ahead and gave three stars for communications at first and 1 star for the other two. I really hate giving bad marks, but he wouldn’t contact me. After I gave these marks, however, suddenly he wants to cancel the order and there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about it. I finally clicked the resolution center link and tried to type something and it says that I should just accept cancellation of the order. If I don’t accept, then it is automatically accepted by the system.

He even threatened to “demote” my site with SEO…



I told you, those are the sample of my work.

I want to promote your link for $5. And want to share your link 5000000 people. And i can do it.

Also i can promote your link. I have the ability. And i can also demote a link or website. Because i have the ability. I can do Positive SEO and also do Negative SEO.


00:40 JULY 13, 2014



I told you, Need time to promote

00:42 JULY 13, 2014



Accept my cancellation and back your M0NEY

00:57 JULY 13, 2014



What about the gig description…that is why I was begging you for an answer two days ago. Did you read the gig description?

Do you read other people’s gig descriptions? I really do want you to succeed and I truly hate giving negative feedback. Please explain to me what happened with the gig description and why it was advertised incorrectly to the sites you did send it to and I will agree to cancel the gig. Deal?

02:40 JULY 13, 2014



I don’t need anything from you. just accept my cancellation and back your M0ney"

So somehow he complains to Fiverr and I get these “Account Warning!” e-mails from Fiverr and absolutely no way to state my side of the case. I can’t reply to those e-mails, they come back undelivered.

They need to work on a way that we can contact Fiverr and resolve these things or at least give us a chance to state our case, on either side.

In the end, I went ahead and cancelled the order. At least I get my money back and will take a shot in the dark with someone else.

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I have met a similar guy before .At first he bought a gig and then after I completed,actually I had done much more than this gig worths and he just gave me a simple review" thanks " Then he contacted me and kept asking me to do this and that and said that if I help him accomplish something ,he would buy another gig .But as things went on,I understand why some factories don’t wanna work with you ,because he is really not a good guy .He promised to buy another gig and then he disappeared although I have done so much and made so many calls which is worth more than 2 gigs .

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Reply to @fenixxxx: As both a buyer and a seller, I’m sorry you had a bad experience but I can tell you right now from looking at his profile before even buying anything that he probably isn’t a good seller. His profile says “United States” but his English is questionable, his profile picture is not him and is a random picture of another man on LinkedIn, his profile description is unprofessional and doesn’t really make any sense, etc.

There are both bad buyers and bad sellers on Fiverr but fortunately you can usually spot both from a mile away if you do a little digging first!

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