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Sometimes autocorrect is ❤. Sometimes its ?. Sometimes its ?


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Okay, so if I accidently call you something other than your username, it means I’m on my (not too) smartphone or tablet.

Nika = Nina, Niki
Woofy = Wooly, Woody
Saddu = Sally, Maddy, Sammy
Eoin = Erin, Evan
Wuerz = User, Users,

Edit: Anjy = Any, Amy, Ann

Also, when I type list it keeps replacing “i” with “u” - really annoying. That could be funny or embarrassing, depending on rest of the sentence. I may have to :flag_black: myself.


On a separate, off topic note, I just messaged a seller with


I hope she doesn’t spam me? 😓


Edit: This part is a joke. It’s one of the forum regulars that I will be ordering from. I couldn’t resist joking with her. 😆



Uh Oh, Gina, how can you do that to a Regular. I mean that’s spamming you know. I hope that seller do not start a thread against you. Check you can contact her anymore or not. what if you are reported. 😦


So that’s why some buyers call me Wooly or Woody :thinking:

But I still haven’t found an explanation for those who call me “dear Goofy” 😒 It’s like when a buyer called “Sade” comes to me and I say “dear Shady”!


So that’s why some buyers call me Wooly or Woody :thinking:

But I still haven’t found an explanation for those who call me “dear Goofy” 😒 It’s like when a buyer called “Sade” comes to me and I say “dear Shady”!

But I still haven’t found an explanation for those who call me “Dear Goofy” 😒

I’m laughing so hard, I’m not sure how to respond. You are making that up - right?

Tell me that’s a joke. 😆


Okay, so if I accidently call you something other than your username, it means I’m on my (not too) smartphone or tablet.

Nika = Nina, Niki

Woofy = Wooly, Woody

Saddu = Sally, Maddy, Sammy

Eoin = Erin, Evan

Wuerz = User, Users,

Edit: Anjy = Any, Amy, Ann

Also, when I type list it keeps replacing “i” with “u” - really annoying. That could be funny or embarrassing, depending on rest of the sentence. I may have to :flag_black: myself.


On a separate, off topic note, I just messaged a seller with


I hope she doesn’t spam me? 😓


Edit: This part is a joke. It’s one of the forum regulars that I will be ordering from. I couldn’t resist joking with her. 😆



Nika = Nina, Niki

A few of my acquaintances address me as Nik, Niki, (Nikki) whateva it’s coolio. 😎

I had clients call me Nike 👟


So that’s why some buyers call me Wooly or Woody :thinking:

But I still haven’t found an explanation for those who call me “dear Goofy” 😒 It’s like when a buyer called “Sade” comes to me and I say “dear Shady”!

“Dear Goofy”

Now, that’s funny.

A blast from my childhood past. ⬇️



I made the ultimate typo error the other day when asking a buyer for their ‘word count.’ I’ll leave you all to work out what letter I omitted and what it said but needless to say I didn’t get the order.


I made the ultimate typo error the other day when asking a buyer for their ‘word count.’ I’ll leave you all to work out what letter I omitted and what it said but needless to say I didn’t get the order.

OMG, you didn’t! Tell me you did not say that! 😂 I can’t stop laughing just by the sound of that!


@woofy31, I laughed at your Goofy story - at least they said “dear” too - however @homeestates clearly wins this round…
What was the context I wonder, was it “Hi, give me your word count” which would be absolutely awful given that many would read it with a comma after “word”!


@woofy31, I laughed at your Goofy story - at least they said “dear” too - however @homeestates clearly wins this round…

What was the context I wonder, was it “Hi, give me your word count” which would be absolutely awful given that many would read it with a comma after “word”!

With a comma it’s even more hilarious! 😂 Yeah, definitely @homeestates wins this round!

Guest fia999

Sometimes autocorrect drives me nuts.


OMG, you didn’t! Tell me you did not say that! 😂 I can’t stop laughing just by the sound of that!

I’m afraid it happened. I rushed the reply and only checked it hours after sending.


Just call me Writer 😎 [speaking of which, have you guys told anyone in real life about your online nicks or nick on Fiverr? If I tell my mom that my nick on the site where I make all that money is “Writer” followed by a bunch of numbers, I can only wonder about her reaction. LOL]


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