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Oh well, lost $5


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Booked a ticket for Guardians of the Galaxy for $5, or to be precise $4.68. But have decided against going tomorrow as that would throw my schedule out of order. Very busy for the next 30 days, can’t afford to miss a day, or even a few hours at a stretch in prime work time. So that’s one 500-word article gone. Enjoying work because I’ve managed to cut off distractions by quite a lot. Tickets once booked and paid for online are not refundable, unfortunately.

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So much for going cold turkey from the forum. Does this mean that you have also been reading Breitbart and swooning over Modi’s Instagram, Writer?

As for movies, books are way better and more calming. Grab a copy of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and you will have hours of more quality entertainment.

There. I’m now officially an old fart.

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