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Search Tags - Update

We’re always looking for new ways to help match potential buyers with sellers who can help them achieve their goals. In the coming months, we’re planning to enhance the way search identifies your Gig, and decide if it’s relevant to the buyers...

Reading time: 10 mins ? Likes: 735 ❤

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Search Tags - Update

We’re always looking for new ways to help match potential buyers with sellers who can help them achieve their goals. In the coming months, we’re planning to enhance the way search identifies your Gig, and decide if it’s relevant to the buyers...

Reading time: 10 mins ? Likes: 735 ❤

After this new update I think all is mess. Some people have stolen my gig images and use them as their. The thing is those gig shows on first page in search list without even one review but above my high rated gig. 🙂

Also there there are so many low quality and copied gigs shows in first page but old designer’s high rated gig gone down on search list.


You can forget about it.

This info is useless.

I’m sure everybody filled all 5 short tags properly when created their Gigs.

So, it won’t change anything

Yeah and there are only so many variations of useful and sensible keywords for a gig, I’m not quite sure this shift will be useless though, but might depend on category.

For mine, search seemed always off, searching for a specific language pair brought up lots of gigs not relevant for the language pair you searched, people can pack as many languages in title and description as they want; if tags become more important, that might help with the relevance as tags are limited.

I know, most people are asking for more tags, but actually I think the limitation to 5 is a good thing, might be even too much for many kinds of gigs.

As an example, if only 3 one-word tags were allowed for language translation, most gigs would have language A, language B, translation, and you’d not see gigs in your search which you have no use for (which won’t solve the bigger problem I see when looking through my category though, but that’s OT here) .

I’d test some keyword variations to see if an idea I have to this is right, but unfortunately there are already too many people putting up multiples of the same gigs, don’t want to add to that 😉 and my bestseller gig took so long to appear back in search after the last edit, so I’m reluctant to experiment too much/often with it.


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