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Buyers dont review / rate work - Does it effects Profile?

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I am on fiverr more than 1 year!
I have provided high quality and low price work to all my clients and they are pretty happy with result!
but what happen many time is they message me in personal that they loved work and appreciate it but do not rate and review on my profile. Even I ask them to rate and review they didnt…!
Dont know what to do with this??
Does this effect my profile?


I am on fiverr more than 1 year!

I have provided high quality and low price work to all my clients and they are pretty happy with result!

but what happen many time is they message me in personal that they loved work and appreciate it but do not rate and review on my profile. Even I ask them to rate and review they didnt…!

Dont know what to do with this??

Does this effect my profile?

Does this effect my profile?

Absolutely! Reviews are the only thing that is strong enough to make your potential buyers ordering from you!!!


Does this effect my profile?

Absolutely! Reviews are the only thing that is strong enough to make your potential buyers ordering from you!!!

they are happy with product but dont know whay they dont rate and review…! I asked some of them but they dont reply after oder complete and come with new order but dont review 😃 ahah

any solution?


they are happy with product but dont know whay they dont rate and review…! I asked some of them but they dont reply after oder complete and come with new order but dont review 😃 ahah

any solution?

Pfff… if you have asked already what else can you do?

You can ask politely to your client to leave a review because it will help your business grow.

But if you are too pushy then they could get annoyed and not buy from your anymore…

Look, you can use this sentence when you deliver your works:

I thank you for being part of your project, if you liked my work please leave a review for me, it will take 2 seconds but will help me immensely to improve my business in this platform. Many thanks for your support.

You can copy and paste that sentence… I’ve not copyrighted it yet 😉


Pfff… if you have asked already what else can you do?

You can ask politely to your client to leave a review because it will help your business grow.

But if you are too pushy then they could get annoyed and not buy from your anymore…

Look, you can use this sentence when you deliver your works:

I thank you for being part of your project, if you liked my work please leave a review for me, it will take 2 seconds but will help me immensely to improve my business in this platform. Many thanks for your support.

You can copy and paste that sentence… I’ve not copyrighted it yet 😉


Thats amazing and polite!

I’ll defiantly try this now with every delivery 🙂

Thanks you for your help.


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