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Fiverr was so clean 7 years ago… I miss those days! Now everyone does the exact same things, have the same gigs multiple times, same portfolio across multiple sellers, it’s become a nightmare.

Seems like nowadays everything revolves around making quick cash by using all sorts of cheats.

Guest anjylina

Fiverr was so clean 7 years ago… I miss those days! Now everyone does the exact same things, have the same gigs multiple times, same portfolio across multiple sellers, it’s become a nightmare.

Seems like nowadays everything revolves around making quick cash by using all sorts of cheats.

Does original artist whom designs are copied by someone else also get in trouble? I’m afraid.😦


Does original artist whom designs are copied by someone else also get in trouble? I’m afraid.😦

Well, I remember a case a few years back where I found a seller copying my gig images, and I asked him politely to remove those - the moment I did that, he said he reported me to CS for copying his gig images (which were mine, so basically I copied my own images!), can you imagine that?! Anyway, I asked CS for help on that matter, provided proof that the images were mine and not his, and go figure his gig was removed)

Now, I’ve never heard of a seller who got into trouble because others have copied his/her work/gig/images/etc, and I reckon Fiverr does a good job at spotting the actual copycats 😉


Every seller just copy and paste others gigs. Every one searches for a gig having good rating and than copy that gigs even same picture. Now a days fiverr has changed the policy, images can’t be copied.😁



I agree with you, I also missed old fiverr days. When i joined (August 2011), Fiverr was very clean and no copy cats at that time. Those days sellers has healthy competition and no seller tried to steal images from other sellers or using stolen work or images from internet.

Even those days fiverr was start up and there were no gig extras or packages (till FEB 2012) for pricing to earn more. Only offering gigs for $5 or $10. I remember my first month earning was around $100 for 18 projects (16x$5=$80 and 2x$10=$20) and spent almost 110 hours that month. I worked 2 sided trifold brochure design or 2 sided leaflet or postcard for $5. We were very polite and give more respect to buyers and treat them as our best buyers even though they order either 1 or 2 gigs. We valued more to the buyers those days.

Now All new sellers coming here need instant earning that too like earning $500 to $1000 per month for example. most of the new sellers are thinking like that and they are not willing to spend time to create their own gig images, or description or profile images.

Even in new sellers there are good and Genuine sellers and i appreciate their honesty and hard work to create their gig images, description and profile images.

I also observed many gigs has same gig images but with different sellers. It is very difficult for fiverr as 1000s of gigs coming everyday.

Any way so many changes on fiverr and WE REALLY MISS THOSE (G)OLD DAYS.


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