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Suggestion: The "Sheet" I have to do


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Hi, I know some people think this is funny but I don’t. I like to take Fiverr jobs seriously, yes they are 5 dollars but that doesn’t mean they’re ****. I know this is intended for humor but I just find it disturbing. Like every time I see it I just feel negative. So, is there a way I can change that? No offense to people with sense of humor eh 🙂

*I don’t mean change it for everyone, I’m just looking for a way to change it for myself (If it’s possible)

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Reply to @francek: lol

Maybe it’s also the way the sentence is arranged, **** can have a positive effect sometimes depends on how is it used. Like some people say “That **** is great!”, “Man, this is the ****!”, “I’d do this **** all the time!” or “This is the **** I like to do”. But saying “The **** I have to do” sounds whiny and sounds as if it is for someone who is forced to do something he doesn’t like.

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Guest christrowie
viser1000 said: But saying "The **** I have to do" sounds whiny and sounds as if it is for someone who is forced to do something he doesn't like.


That I agree with, However I don't think it's as bad as your making out, I know it's not saying sh*t but implying it by saying sheet, we are all grown ups here so it's not a problem. I understand what Fiverr is doing, the same with "Good morning Chris, did you get your coffee yet?" and the other messages. Marketing websites can get very boring, you login, list your stuff, wait for a sale, blah blah, rinse & repeat. With Fiverr you get to interact a lot more, like this forum for example.


If you are really disturbed by it I recommend using FoxReplace to replace sheet with stuff https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/foxreplace/ or something similar.

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