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Cancellation Percentage Temporary Solution Idea


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Hi, I’ve only been on Fiverr for 17 days, but one of my gigs already has a 20% cancellation percentage because the buyer accidentally ordered it. I was reading the cancellation petition the other day and I was thinking of how many buyer probably weren’t aware of how the cancellation percentages were calculated.

I was thinking that maybe if the customers knew, they wouldn’t judge us so harshly and decide to buy elsewhere. Perhaps we should put a little message at the bottom such as this:

"As an announcement to all buyers, as on my and all sellers on Fiverrs’ gigs, many of the cancellations you see come from buyers who accidentally order or other circumstances in which the seller is not at fault so please take this into account as you browse the site."

I feel as if it would seem desperate if only I did it, but if many sellers all did it together, at least it would be able to seem more credible. It’s just a thought. If anyone else has any other ideas, please do share it here.

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I have a message like that - I had 7 cancellations due to late orders but the reason was because my house was damaged in a tornado and I had to deal with all that - I had messaged all my buyers and most understood but the ones that didn’t cancelled instead of doing a mutual agreement so they show up as negatives. I put a note about it on my gig and I haven’t stopped getting orders.

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