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Fiverr is being dumb again - decline without clear reason


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Every now and then, I post a request, which gets declined. Each time, the same non-informative reason:

Hi jeroenla,
Unfortunately, your Gig request “AUSSIES ONLY! - Market research:…” did not pass our review due to one (or more) of the following reasons:
• It was misleading/unclear
• It contains contact information (i.e. s***e, email, phone #), or your site/social media url
• It contains payment information
• It contains a request for services that are not allowed on Fiverr (i.e. Bitcoin services, paid Wordpress themes, licensed software, etc.)
• You submitted your request to multiple categories. You should select the most suitable category and subcategory, and then submit only one request
Repeating these violations can result in your account being restricted.

Might just as well not have given any answer, because this is absolutely useless. Here’s my request:

AUSSIES ONLY! - Market research: find websites that appeal to young people (age 16-27) who are travelling. Websites must be about fun stuff to do in Australian cities and popular Australian destinations. - List of websites will serve as a source of information for a Dutch website which aims to inform young travellers of what’s going on in Australia. - A format will be provided for you to fill in. - Please post offer with the MINIMUM number of websites you can provide for $5 - Budget is $5. Any offer with a higher price will be rejected.

Misleading? I don’t think so.
Contact info? Nope
Payment info? Nope
Illegal services? Since when would this be illegal?
Multiple categories? Nope

So…what is wrong here?

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Agreed! On 2 occasions, under category of graphic design, specified recolour an image that I uploaded. I alos required the required format. Rejected once. So I then wrote the spec and suggested colours. Rejected again. This is ineptitude of the highest order. A graphic designer in training, let alone a profession, will understand the request. Perhaps fiverr should have people with category knowledge do reviews and/or make contacting possible. I am out of here!

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You have got to be kidding. Again I posted a gig, and again I got it denied, with the same utterly meaningless reply.

This was the gig this time:

Graphics job for a backpacker site, where products are being reviewed. You know those sites where stars are given (like fiver)? I want something similar, but with backpacks instead of stars (for reference: https://blogs.baylor.edu/madison_farrell/files/2015/04/3-5-stars-2bmbspe.png) I want a full series of images from 5 “empty” backpacks (just the silhouette) to 5 “full” backpacks, with all inbetween, including halves, I think that’s 11 variations of the same image. So: 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 Color: #cc6622 must be part of the colorscheme. 5 “backpackrating” must have some sort of “golden accent”. Size: comparable to the stars fiverr uses. Perhaps 5px higher when needed. But not too much.

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Maybe the ‘reviewed’ got caught in some auto-filter because of the ‘paid review gigs’ which are against the ToS. I´d try to paraphrase that, maybe the “rating” bit too, to be sure. And yeah, would be nice if those mails stated the actual concrete reason why a request got denied.

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