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Serious sellers or not?


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When I’m looking to buy a gig, I take a LOT of time to read the description provided by sellers, the feedback given by their customers, and other factors, to narrow my choice down to one or a few candidate gigs. The purpose is not to disappoint either myself or the potential seller, and not to waste everybody’s time. It’s called courtesy.

These days, sellers are saying “Contact me first…” but 9 out of 10, when written to, do not respond. You can work out the explanations as well as I can, and there are many. But from the buyer’s point of view, after asking clear questions, sometimes with attached details, the feeling is that too many “sellers” are treating Fiverr and similar forums as a sort of random fishing ground for spare cash and only worth checking up on when there’s nothing better to do. To me, that’s out and out rudeness and inconsideration, as it costs genuine buyers time—your pretty words in the description aren’t worth the space they occupy on the screen, and force the buyer to keep a list of “do not touch” sellers, which in turn devalues the site as a whole.

Why is this under “Tips for Sellers”? Well, the tip is, “Get Some Manners.” There have been many excellent sellers who are friendly, courteous and prompt in both communication and delivery, and even when they say, “No, I can’t take your job right now,” I am very sure to KIV their names for future jobs. It’s just sad that one has to sift through loads of fake postings/sellers to get to the good ones.

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Communication skill is the key and I believe both parties should have this skill. I have that Contact me first on my gig and I do respond to each and every one of them. There are some buyers who message me as a seller to ask for clarification and then never even bothered to reply, or worse still they order without even knowing what is offered on the gig. I believe this advice can be applied both ways

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I also have CONTACT ME BEFORE PLACING GIG ORDER on my Website GIG only, because i have many cancellations on that GIG from buyers mistakes. Buyers place order and then realize they did not read description or they did not actually want this service or even they compare with other people that you are giving less then what that user is giving. So for all these reasons i have asked to contact me for website order first so i can communicate and understand the project and better suggest them about any additional fees or time etc.

I always reply POLITELY to my messages, but sometime buyers feels i reply them late. It is because TOME ZONES 🙂

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