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Delighting Your Customers Everytime! - How I managed to get all 5 star reviews in Fiverr


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So, here’s my Fiverr profile.


I’m a level 2 seller with 100 reviews most of which are 5 stars. It is not much comparing to some huge sellers here in Fiverr. But I’m proud of it and let me share a few tips that will help fellow sellers offer exceptional customer service in Fiverr.

Precise Gig Title and Description

This is your first interaction with your potential customer. The gig title should tell what the customer is going to get – simple and concise. I usually start the gig description with this line “Risk Free! 100% Money Back Guarantee if you’re not delighted by my work”. This provides confident to the potential buyer. I didn’t have to provide a refund till now as I have managed to delight all my customers. If you can’t offer a refund, don’t mention this.

Then I ask them to see the samples that are already present in the gig’s gallery. This gives a clear idea to the customer as to what he’s going to get so that there are no unpleasant surprises during delivery of the order.

I follow this up with explanation of the gig and why it will be helpful for them to buy my gig. One of my gigs Expanded Text Ads required a bit of teaching initially when they were rolled out by Google, which I have done using bullet points as well an explainer video.
By now, I have provided much needed confidence, set up right expectations and have educated my potential customer. This will go a long way in delighting your customer.

Asking the Right Questions

This is the most important part overlooked by most of the sellers. It is important to get most of the info from the customer so that you can deliver exactly as your customer expect. This is very vital for me as most of my gigs are 1 day delivery. I can’t afford to ask further requirements via message, because if the customer delays the reply, the order gets late.

Yes, there are a few clients who don’t like to fill all these requirements. Keep these requirements as optional except the ones that are vital for you to carry out the task. This way, you delight both the ‘attention to detail’ client and the careless one.

The First Contact

Once the order comes in, I’ll have 24 hours to deliver. Every order, however small and insignificant it might seem to you, is very important to your customer. I don’t want my customer to wonder whether I’m working on their order or I have missed it in the heap. I always send a small note assuring them that I have received their order; I’ll start working on it soon and will deliver within 24 hours. This makes your buyer feel that he is respected and you take their business seriously.

Personalize Wherever You Can

People love being called by their names. That makes them feel that they are important. Try finding the buyer’s name from the username. If you can clearly guess the name, address them using that name. If not, just a generic “Hi” or “hello” would be enough. It is not very good to use a username like “hitman1112” in salutation.

Delivering the Order

Even though your end product is great, your delivery message needs to be great too. Make your buyer feel special. Tell them that you’re very happy in doing business with them and you look forward to working with them again. And ask them to review your work, if they are happy with the work. Asking for reviews really works. Almost 75% of the orders that I have delivered are reviewed. Assure them that if they are unhappy with the work for any reason, you will provide revisions. This really stops a buyer from posting a negative review. Also it gives you a chance to rectify any issues in the final delivery and get into good terms with the buyer.

If your product needs a bit of teaching to implement, provide the required help. I provide Google AdWords ad copies. Few customers might not know how to add this to their AdWords account or how to upload the ads via AdWords editor. I send them couple of publicly available help articles to help them with that.


This is a part overlooked by most of the sellers. You can always tell the buyer that you provide a service that might be useful for them. For example, for customers who bought my Google ads writing gig, I know that a complete audit or AdWords campaign set up might be useful to them. I send both those links and ask them to buy them if needed.
If you’re into logo design, once you deliver the order, you can upsell social media banners, business cards etc.
Once you delight a buyer, chances of repeated order are very high.

Prioritize Repeated Buyers

You know who your repeated and top buyers are. Always prioritize their order and make them feel special. Never forget to thank them for their repeated order. Once they feel that you remember them, it’s very easy to delight them. I deliver ad copy writing orders in 2 days. However, for my repeated customers, I try to deliver the order within 24 hours. Another sure fire way to get a 5 star review.

Respond to reviews

Always respond to every review left by your buyer. Generic thank you message doesn’t leave a great impact on that buyer as well as prospective buyers who happen to check out your gigs later. Personalize it based on the review left by the buyer.

Treat every customer fairly

Fiverr is an awesome marketplace with buyers all over the world and with diverse cultures. Hence there will be some buyers who might be harsh, some don’t understand what you are trying to say, some will never be satisfied, some will have too high expectations. Treat everyone fairly. This will go a long way in building a great reputation in Fiverr.

Provide free advice

If you have a couple of minutes to spare, offer them free advice.
A not so mobile friendly landing page – Tell them the importance of having one
Links not working in the web page – Tell them. They might be losing valuable customers because of that.
Recently a buyer wanted me to write ads for promoting her Android and iOS App. I sent her the ads with the suggestion that “Google AdWords Universal App Campaign” might work well for promoting her apps. She came back a few days later thanking me for the help. That means a lot to me as a seller who tries to delight his buyer.

So, what are the strategies that you use to delight your buyers? Let me know in the comments!


Great post! However, I’d like to point out that a full refund is not possible - the buyer will only be refunded 90% of what they initially paid if the order is cancelled.


Great post! However, I’d like to point out that a full refund is not possible - the buyer will only be refunded 90% of what they initially paid if the order is cancelled.

Thanks for pointing that out! I have bought services from Fiverr only a couple of times and hence I couldn’t remember.


Very nice Tips you shared, I will use these. Normally I send a detailed message once I received the order from buyer. This includes the details about final delivery (like the printable size, design type, expected time etc).


Very nice Tips you shared, I will use these. Normally I send a detailed message once I received the order from buyer. This includes the details about final delivery (like the printable size, design type, expected time etc).

Thank you! Keep doing. 🙂

Guest faysalalam

Thank you for giving this post. This is very essential for me so that i can more progress in my future.


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