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New to Fiverr - how well does this site work for other Fiverrs?

Guest lexihunter2017

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Guest lexihunter2017

Hey guys im Lexi - new to Fiverr.
Just looking for some tips here or experience from other fiverrs - i have two gigs on but it isnt even getting any clicks or views and doesnt show in searches - am i doing something wrong?
How have first time Fiverrs gone with starting out with new gigs and how long before you get a response or jobs going?
Thanks in advance
Lexi xx

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Many sellers use the Buyer Request section to gain their first few sales.

I’d suggest using the Forum (search) to learn how you can promote and research your gigs.

I agree with thecreativeguys. Try the Buyer Request. Wishing you all the best and welcome to fiverr.

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Welcome! I heard it said that being successful freelancing is to think like a marathoner not a sprinter. Use buyer requests like others have said. You may be pleasantly surprised, and receive a gig right away. However, do not be surprised that you may have to submit a lot of offers before receiving a gig. Since you’re trying to build a good reputation at this point, it will feel like gold!

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Welcome! I heard it said that being successful freelancing is to think like a marathoner not a sprinter. Use buyer requests like others have said. You may be pleasantly surprised, and receive a gig right away. However, do not be surprised that you may have to submit a lot of offers before receiving a gig. Since you’re trying to build a good reputation at this point, it will feel like gold!

I’m kinda new…but I’m trying to understand…the buyer request section is actually filled with sellers instead…where do I go to submit offers to actual buyers?

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