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Does the "Buyer requests" tool actually work?

Guest thiagofeysu

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Guest thiagofeysu

I started to offer my work personally trough this feature since I wasn’t receiving any buyer. But I already talked to 15 buyers (or something like that) and get no response. Does someone had a positive experience doing this? And if you have, could you give me some tips to at least get a buyer?

Guest voiceoverphil

Hi there,

I’m pretty new here, but my only sale so far came through responding to buyer requests. I have a voice over gig, but I also make a point of responding to as many buyer requests as I can. I figure if I want work I need to let as many people know I’m here through as many avenues as I can. I’ve talked to and been considered by at least five buyers, and like I said I did secure one order. Hope that helps!

Guest voiceoverphil

Hi there,

I’m pretty new here, but my only sale so far came through responding to buyer requests. I have a voice over gig, but I also make a point of responding to as many buyer requests as I can. I figure if I want work I need to let as many people know I’m here through as many avenues as I can. I’ve talked to and been considered by at least five buyers, and like I said I did secure one order. Hope that helps!

One more thought, but I’ve responded to 66 buyer requests for that one gig. But sales is a numbers game. Best wishes for success!


Hi there,

Yes, I personally had some success using that feature although not as much as I wished for, but I’ve heard others relying entirely on that feature to do their work 😉

However, keep in mind that when you send an offer to a buyer, most likely 29 more sellers have also sent their own offers, so basically you’re competiting with a maximum of 29 other sellers.

There are at least a couple of reasons why a buyer doesn’t accept your offer:

  • maybe one of those other 29 bidders have had a better offer than yours
  • maybe your offer wasn’t really what the buyer needed or requested

It can feel like a lottery especially when there are a lot of other bidders, some of them who probably make discounts, special offers and what not, so it’s mostly a patience and persistence game in my opinion.

You should also try creating new gigs in other categories, because that will allow you to see buyer requests from other categories as well (but make sure you do not make a dummy gig just to get access to a category’s requests)

P.S. I think, but I’m not very sure, that the maximum offers is 30 and any offer sent after that maximum is reached may end up in limbo and never reach the buyer (at least that’s my guess on how it works)

Guest thiagofeysu

One more thought, but I’ve responded to 66 buyer requests for that one gig. But sales is a numbers game. Best wishes for success!

Alright, I am gonna have to keep going then. Thanks for your time!

Guest thiagofeysu

Hi there,

Yes, I personally had some success using that feature although not as much as I wished for, but I’ve heard others relying entirely on that feature to do their work 😉

However, keep in mind that when you send an offer to a buyer, most likely 29 more sellers have also sent their own offers, so basically you’re competiting with a maximum of 29 other sellers.

There are at least a couple of reasons why a buyer doesn’t accept your offer:

  • maybe one of those other 29 bidders have had a better offer than yours
  • maybe your offer wasn’t really what the buyer needed or requested

It can feel like a lottery especially when there are a lot of other bidders, some of them who probably make discounts, special offers and what not, so it’s mostly a patience and persistence game in my opinion.

You should also try creating new gigs in other categories, because that will allow you to see buyer requests from other categories as well (but make sure you do not make a dummy gig just to get access to a category’s requests)

P.S. I think, but I’m not very sure, that the maximum offers is 30 and any offer sent after that maximum is reached may end up in limbo and never reach the buyer (at least that’s my guess on how it works)

Ok, then I’ll have to find a way to make offers more desireble so I catch as much clients as I can. Thanks for your time!!


@thiagofeysu, I use BR ALL the time and out of 200 bids I’ve sent, I’ve gotten jobs from maybe 20 of them, so while it IS a way to obtain jobs while you’re still working your way up the ladder, it’s by no means a guarantee.

Still, the one tip I have is to make sure you ALWAYS tailor your response to their request. Do NOT just copy and paste your offer. So for instance, if they uploaded a file with their request, you may want to comment that their content seems really interesting (ALWAYS look at any files they post so you can make a comment on it) or that it’s a favorite subject of yours. Just say SOMEthing that makes it obvious you looked at the file. If no file was posted, rephrase what they posted, so they know you understand. That may be something like, “I see you’re looking for someone to translate your italian poems to english. First, I want to say that I LOVE poetry, so I’d love to do this job for you.” And if they put specifics in the request, throw that in; ANY adjectives they use, YOU use. If they want a “professional and fast translation”, make sure you say you’ll “professionally translate your piece and do so promptly.”

Please note that even though I don’t mind you borrowing my examples, you still may want to rephrase it to make it better sound like something you would say. You know, put it in your own words.

And good luck. Welcome to Fiverr!

Guest thiagofeysu

@thiagofeysu, I use BR ALL the time and out of 200 bids I’ve sent, I’ve gotten jobs from maybe 20 of them, so while it IS a way to obtain jobs while you’re still working your way up the ladder, it’s by no means a guarantee.

Still, the one tip I have is to make sure you ALWAYS tailor your response to their request. Do NOT just copy and paste your offer. So for instance, if they uploaded a file with their request, you may want to comment that their content seems really interesting (ALWAYS look at any files they post so you can make a comment on it) or that it’s a favorite subject of yours. Just say SOMEthing that makes it obvious you looked at the file. If no file was posted, rephrase what they posted, so they know you understand. That may be something like, “I see you’re looking for someone to translate your italian poems to english. First, I want to say that I LOVE poetry, so I’d love to do this job for you.” And if they put specifics in the request, throw that in; ANY adjectives they use, YOU use. If they want a “professional and fast translation”, make sure you say you’ll “professionally translate your piece and do so promptly.”

Please note that even though I don’t mind you borrowing my examples, you still may want to rephrase it to make it better sound like something you would say. You know, put it in your own words.

And good luck. Welcome to Fiverr!

Well that was really helpful. There are some tips I wouldn’t have thought about. I mean, I will have to call customer’s attention by showing them I am determined to help them at what they need.

Thanks very much, this messages helps me a lot to make my work better than before.

Guest voiceoverphil

@thiagofeysu, I use BR ALL the time and out of 200 bids I’ve sent, I’ve gotten jobs from maybe 20 of them, so while it IS a way to obtain jobs while you’re still working your way up the ladder, it’s by no means a guarantee.

Still, the one tip I have is to make sure you ALWAYS tailor your response to their request. Do NOT just copy and paste your offer. So for instance, if they uploaded a file with their request, you may want to comment that their content seems really interesting (ALWAYS look at any files they post so you can make a comment on it) or that it’s a favorite subject of yours. Just say SOMEthing that makes it obvious you looked at the file. If no file was posted, rephrase what they posted, so they know you understand. That may be something like, “I see you’re looking for someone to translate your italian poems to english. First, I want to say that I LOVE poetry, so I’d love to do this job for you.” And if they put specifics in the request, throw that in; ANY adjectives they use, YOU use. If they want a “professional and fast translation”, make sure you say you’ll “professionally translate your piece and do so promptly.”

Please note that even though I don’t mind you borrowing my examples, you still may want to rephrase it to make it better sound like something you would say. You know, put it in your own words.

And good luck. Welcome to Fiverr!

Tailoring your response is good advice. I haven’t done that much either but I need to start. Thanks!


Hi, yes I have positive experience using buyer requests, my first sale I made with that option, and the use of I follow as he noticed that sales have fallen in many designers by this “algorithm”


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